VIDEO Soviet-born Trump adviser Felix Sater: 'Send 'em to jail' if Mueller finds collusion


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Soviet-born Trump adviser Felix Sater: 'Send 'em to jail' if Mueller finds collusion
In this illuminating interview with ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos, Soviet-American businessman Felix Sater discusses his connections to Donald Trump amidst the backdrop of the ongoing investigation into Russian collusion. Sater, who has had a contentious history involving business dealings with Trump, shares insights about the implications of the Mueller investigation and suggests that if evidence of collusion is found, individuals involved should face serious consequences.
### Key Highlights
  • Ties to Trump: Sater is noted for his historical relationship with Trump, including previous business ventures tied to Trump’s real estate projects.
  • Collusion Implications: His statements come at a critical time as the nation was grappling with the findings of the Mueller report and its potential impact on Trump's presidency.
  • Calls for Accountability: Sater's assertion of sending individuals to jail if collusion is proven speaks to the broader calls for accountability in political dealings, especially regarding foreign influence.
### Historical Significance
Since its airing, this interview has gained traction as it encapsulates a significant moment in U.S. political history, reflecting the complexity of international business relations and the scrutiny faced by public figures. The context in which Sater is speaking—having direct access to Trump—adds an additional layer of intrigue for viewers interested in the intricacies of political influence.
In light of developments in 2024, reflecting on these discussions from 2018 uncovers ongoing debates about transparency, ethics in business, and politics. The fallout from the investigations continues to shape public discourse, influencing sentiments surrounding governance and corporate integrity.
This particular video serves as a crucial reference for understanding the early narratives surrounding the Trump-Russia investigation, which has persisted in various forms throughout subsequent political cycles.
### Engage with the Discussion
What are your thoughts on how business relations impact political landscapes? Do you believe that transparency in such dealings is being prioritized today? We’d love to hear your insights and related experiences!
Feel free to check out other threads that delve into political narratives or business ethics, as they often provide varying perspectives on how these issues interplay within our society.
