
New Member
Aug 30, 2009
Hi guys. So yesterday I went out and bought a new Hard drive for my computer. Installed my windows 7 RTM, started loading all my programs up...then I ran into Steam. Now here's where my problem is, error message came up around the lines of "Do not run steam in compatibility mode, please turn off any compatibility settings for steam.exe and start again." So I hit cancel to get rid of the warning, and now I can't use steam cloud or find any game info for games that my friends are in. Tried these things so far: Made sure it wasn't on compatibility mode(duh). Deleted the registry key for compatibility settings found here: Fix: Steam thinks its running in compatibility mode. Uninstall and re-install of steam. Finally I went through, turned off UAC and ran it in every compatibility mode possible and switched it off, which finaly fixed it.

The issue came back tonight and I just did a reformat, still the same exact thing. Tried everything again as above, still no luck, thinking about going back to Vista 64 bit if this can't get resolved.


Intel Core 2 Quad 2.66Ghz
4GB DDR2 1066 RAM
WD Caviar Blue 320GB
Corsair 650W PSU

Windows 7 6.1.7600 Build 7600

Any ideas guys? Thanks!

I'm having exactly the same issue with Steam, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the hard drive (mine is a samsung spinpoint F1) but I suppose I shouldn't rule it out. I played on steam yesterday fine, then when I was done and exited Steam I got the same Windows message auto-switching a compatibility mode on that doesn't seem to exist in any settings! I'm running Windows 7 Pro RTM 64 Bit and so far it's been running fine, but if I can't access all my Steam games it will be a real shame. Any advice out there?

Scrap that I found an answer and it frigging works! *PELVIC TRUST*

I am using Steam but not extensively. I have one game for it - Fallout 3. I have had no compatability issues, but then again, it was also slow to load. I have only loaded it once maybe since the install... just to download and install the game. This is very strange... Perhaps a bug with Steam itself?

Not sure, there are several threads about it floating around the internet that I've looked into, but none of the suggestions on there work. It also seems to be an issue that can occur on Vista as well but is less likely. The weird thing is this didn't happen on my old hard drive, but I doubt it would be a hard drive problem per say.

Hi Obmutescence,
I tried googling round for an answer (I use steam and it runs without a hitch, with or without compatibility mode) and like you say above, there are plenty of threads around about this but it's not exclusive to 7 or vista. It seems XP has had this problem too and many of the 'fixes' sound like the ones you've tried already... (basically unticking the compatibility tab)
If I were you, I'd google for fixes and just go through each one until you find one that works for you.. Sorry it's a bit of a lame answer but at present it's the only thing I could think of suggesting....:confused:

That's ok man, that's what I've been doing with the googling before I made this thread. The thing is it didn't happen my old hard drive, but it wouldn't be a hard drive problem. Might do some more research, if it doesn't work I might just go to vista for now. :(

Well I got my old Seagate HD back in my computer which has no problems with Steam, so I guess my experience with Western Digital isn't off to a good start.

Wow...so it was the HD after all.. Glad you got things fixed :)

I'm having exactly the same issue with Steam, but it doesn't seem to have anything to do with the hard drive (mine is a samsung spinpoint F1) but I suppose I shouldn't rule it out. I played on steam yesterday fine, then when I was done and exited Steam I got the same Windows message auto-switching a compatibility mode on that doesn't seem to exist in any settings! I'm running Windows 7 Pro RTM 64 Bit and so far it's been running fine, but if I can't access all my Steam games it will be a real shame. Any advice out there?

Scrap that I found an answer and it frigging works! *PELVIC TRUST*


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Thanks for the update Revolexis... It may help others in the future..:)

I unchecked the compatibility box under the compatibility tab and it still doesn't work and still gives me the error message!

please help!:-#
