VIDEO Stephen Fry on Russell Brand


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Stephen Fry on Russell Brand In a thought-provoking segment, Stephen Fry engages in a candid discussion about Russell Brand in a YouTube interview. The essence of this dialogue reveals Fry's respect and admiration for Brand, portraying him as a fresh voice in contemporary discourse. Fry suggests that he might gladly relinquish his status as a prominent intellectual figure to Brand, appreciating the latter's articulate and passionate nature. He emphasizes that while both he and Brand are prone to speaking their minds—a trait that can lead to trouble in today’s culture—their honesty is a refreshing contrast to the often stifled conversations in society. Fry points out the irony in the current climate where truth-telling can be viewed as inappropriate, contrasting this with historical moral standards. One of the more humorous moments involves Fry referencing a controversial tweet from Brand in which he advises people not to pay taxes. Fry acknowledges the provocative nature of such remarks but appreciates Brand's ability to shake up established norms, indicating a need for disruption in political discourse. Fry elaborates that democracy can sometimes be inconvenient for politicians, describing it as “mob rule.” He advocates for a more engaged public, suggesting that it’s everyone’s responsibility to hold leaders accountable rather than leaving it to a select few. Overall, Fry's portrayal of Brand is warm and supportive. He describes Brand's ability to connect with people deeply, noting his warm personality and compelling presence. This discussion poses important questions about the nature of public intellectualism, democracy, and the roles individuals play in challenging the status quo. What do you think? Does Russell Brand deserve the title of a leading intellectual figure? How do you view honesty in public discourse today? Share your thoughts below!
