Windows 7 Stifinder langsom (Explorer slow to select drive(?))


New Member
Hver gang jeg vælger et nyt drev i stifinder, tager det lang tid inden drevet vises, det virker som om det skal opdateres hver gang - kan det ændres.

Det samme er hvis jeg i et program skal gemme en fil på et af mine drev, så får jeg meddelsen "Drevet svarer ikke", og først efter nogen tid, kan jeg komme videre.

Every time I select a new drive in Explorer, it takes a long time before the drive appears, it seems like it must be updated every time - it can be changed.

The same is if I'm in a program to save a file on one of my drives, then I get message "Drive not responding", and only after some time, I can move on.
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I've added translations to your post to hopefully speed up a resolution to your issue.
It sounds like the system is confused and having a problem recognizing your drives. Possibly there is some conflict between drives or the driver is not compatible with those drives.

Since relating information in a different language is hard, perhaps check the Computer window to see if any drives have any marks by them? Are your drive letters assigned by your system, or have you assigned any drive letters?

Are any of your drives network drives? Do you have any external drives?

Do you have any external equipment, like a printer, that has a place for a SD type card and is there a card installed?

Check the Event Viewer to see if any persistent error or warning messages are showing up.