VIDEO Stormy Daniels Attorney Michael Avenatti : 'We're Only Getting Started' | Morning Joe | MSNBC


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Stormy Daniels Attorney Michael Avenatti: 'We're Only Getting Started' | Morning Joe | MSNBC
In this engaging segment from MSNBC's Morning Joe, attorney Michael Avenatti discusses the implications of his client Stormy Daniels' recent appearance on "60 Minutes." Following the interview, Avenatti addressed several critical questions that remained unanswered, particularly regarding the evidence he teased in a tweet—a picture of a CD that he claimed could be significant to the ongoing legal battle involving Daniels and President Trump.
### Key Points Discussed:
1. Contents of the CD: Avenatti refrained from revealing what is on the CD, emphasizing that the strategy of their legal fight is "methodical and surgical." While he hinted at its potential importance, he made clear that the CD's specifics would be disclosed at the appropriate time, especially if the opposing party attempts to challenge Daniels’ credibility.
2. Threats and Evidence: Avenatti recounted how Daniels had been physically threatened, adding that those who issued threats are presumably connected to the Trump Organization. He insisted on the credibility of his client while highlighting the lack of public denials or responses from Trump's camp regarding the allegations.
3. Future Actions: The attorney expressed confidence about obtaining discovery from the Trump team, particularly regarding what Trump knew about the agreement and the related payment of $130,000. He emphasized that the scandal is not just about the alleged affair but also about the ensuing cover-up.
4. Public Reaction and Strategy: Throughout the interview, Avenatti faced questions about whether he may have overhyped the contents of the CD. Nonetheless, he maintained that his public communications were aimed at managing perceptions and not merely teasing his audience.
5. Key Questions and Responses: The discussion frequently returned to why Daniels hasn’t filed a police report regarding the threats and how important it is for her to have her story told. Avenatti reiterated that Daniels seeks the truth and aims to bring transparency to the legal proceedings surrounding her case.
As the legal saga unfolds, Avenatti's responses underscore the complexities of the case and the strategic decisions that come as they navigate public and legal scrutiny. He insists that they are just getting started and have much more evidence to reveal in the coming weeks.
### Community Thoughts:
What are your thoughts on Avenatti's approach and the ongoing legal issues surrounding Stormy Daniels? Do you think public perception plays a significant role in such high-profile cases? Feel free to share your opinions and any insights you might have regarding this unfolding drama!
