Windows 7 Strange Font or Missing Characters in Win7 related Screens


New Member
Oct 8, 2012
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So I'm having a funky Windows7 problem - on certain screens (usually windows based screens like within the Control Panel, but not always just there) - I'm getting blank ASCII boxes in place of the usual text characters. It's really random and doesn't happen on every Windows related screen, but I can't figure out how to fix it.

Have run all updates as of now. But problem still exists. There's a similar post on this issue but a solution was never posted.

Any suggestions?

You just have to read-inside-the-box... Those boxes in your image are a foreign language called Quakolleka. It's a very ancient tribal language used by the Quackolees on some islands. There are only a few hundred of these tribes left on earth. If you don't need that language on your computer, you can try this:

windows 7 - Unicode characters suddenly start displaying as boxes in some applications - Super User

Make sure to also read a few posts down from a user called sdolgy.

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