
New Member
Jan 11, 2009
hi guys,
I'm having some issues with sharing folders under windows 7. But let me first say that I use the german version of windows so my terminiology may not always be right (not to mention my english ;-)) ... I hope you get it nonetheless.
So I'm describing the steps I did (numerous times -_-) so you guys see if maybe I did something wrong.
I want to share a folder. So I right-click on the folder, select the tab "sharing" and then use "advanced sharing". I check "share this folder", click the button "permissions". "everyone" is already in the list of users, so I simply give complete access (read/write) to everyone, than click OK on all the windows.
what happens? the folder is shared, that's alright, but NOT for everyone but only for me (blackwolf). so only people who know my username and password can access the share, but that's not what I wanted. also, when I click on the folder in explorer in the bottom details-bar it says "shared for: blackwolf". although when I go back to the permissions windows only "everyone" is in the list of permissions and all the checkboxes are checked for everyone.
what am I doing wrong here?

second thing: If I try the wizard, sharing for "everyone" does work, the problem is that windows seems too stupid to share the folder decent (I had the same problem with the wizard under vista). so for example if I share "C:/Users/BlackWolf/My Music/some folder/" using the wizard, he's not sharing that as \\mypc\some folder\ but rather as "\\my pc\users\blackwolf\..." you get the point. that alone wouldn't be that bad. what IS bad is that - for some reason - the wizard is not only sharing my folder, but also a lot of other stuff in my users folder (appData folder and stuff like that) - even though it is marked as "not shared" in windows I can see and access it from other computers (but not the complete folder, only some files ... it's really strange).

so any ideas? I've not been able to make one share the way I wanted since windows vista (I had the same problems with vista, but I thought I post them here anyway). I'm working around that by copying all stuff I want to share to my public folder, but that sucks as well. Can't be THAT difficult to make decent shares, can it? I'd even accept registry hacks or thrid party tools to do it.

woah ... that was a long text. I hope I made my steps and problems clear. If not just ask and I'll try again :D


I was where you are a few days ago and fixed it with two changes. First, turn off Windows Firewall. Ok, I know, but that's the only way I could get networking to work with Windows 7, Vista Ultimate and XP Pro. Next, turn on password protected sharing. Reboot, and you should be up and running. This will block anyone who has logged on without a password.

If this works, and you figure out how to re-enable the firewall while maintaining the network, please let me know.
thanks but no, didn't work.
like I said sharing itself works fine. I can share stuff and see the shared folders from other computers (running mac os x).
only thing is that windows shares folders I don't want to use if I use the wizard, and refuses to share for anybody else than my administrator account when I don't use the wizard.
since mac os doesn't seem to be able to connect to windows 7 as something other than "guest" (it won't complain about wrong username/password but still just authenticate as guest) I need to be able to share for everybody or guest.

I was where you are a few days ago and fixed it with two changes. First, turn off Windows Firewall. Ok, I know, but that's the only way I could get networking to work with Windows 7, Vista Ultimate and XP Pro. Next, turn on password protected sharing. Reboot, and you should be up and running. This will block anyone who has logged on without a password.

If this works, and you figure out how to re-enable the firewall while maintaining the network, please let me know.

I use to work through the sharing procedures way back. Now, for my domestic lan, I just dump whatever I want my family to share, into the public folder (Under "Users")
Nothing wrong with your English, by the way!

I was where you are a few days ago and fixed it with two changes. First, turn off Windows Firewall. Ok, I know, but that's the only way I could get networking to work with Windows 7, Vista Ultimate and XP Pro. Next, turn on password protected sharing. Reboot, and you should be up and running. This will block anyone who has logged on without a password.

If this works, and you figure out how to re-enable the firewall while maintaining the network, please let me know.
thanks, but it didn't do the trick. Still, when I share something for everybody it's only shared for myself.
I found a workaround by giving my user account a password. That made is possible to login as me from my macintosh so I can access the share, but still it's not the best solution since I don't want to give everyone my password.

I use to work through the sharing procedures way back. Now, for my domestic lan, I just dump whatever I want my family to share, into the public folder (Under "Users")
Nothing wrong with your English, by the way!
Thanks ;-)
yeah, that's what I've been doing for now but it's annoying. Especially when you wanna share something larger it takes a while to copy to public and takes double hard space drive as long as you're sharing.

btw, I made two screenshots to further clarify what I think is the problem. They are german but I think it shouldn't matter.
Link Removed due to 404 Error
"Jeder" just means everybody and it shows that I have set up full access for everybody. Now, same folder after that:
Link Removed due to 404 Error
It shows that even though everybody is clearly added to the list in the first screenshow, the folder is only shared with BlackWolf (the last line shows that).

Don't know why windows does that, it's really stupid and it's repeatable for every folder.

Have you been here. Control Panel- Network and sharing centre - Choose homegroup and Sharing Options - Change Advanced sharing Options - Home or Work.
Turn of Password sharing (at the bottom) for the test at least.
