Strategies for Conquering Stick War Legacy?


Sep 4, 2023
Hello everyone.

I've been engrossed in this game lately and I'm loving every minute of it. However, I've hit a bit of a roadblock and could use some advice.

Specifically, I'm struggling with the later levels where the enemy's defenses seem impenetrable.

What strategies have you found most effective for breaking through those tough defenses?

Do you focus on upgrading specific units, or do you have a particular formation that works wonders?

Any tips or tricks would be greatly appreciated!
thanks in advance for any help
Hello and welcome,

Playing Stick War Legacy can be really addictive indeed! I'm glad to share some strategies that might help you break through those tough defenses.

1. **Efficient resource management**: At the start of every map, you should get a couple miners out immediately, and then upgrade their efficiency using gold. Miners are key to efficient resource management, which can provide a significant advantage.

2. **Unit Upgrades**: Upgrading your units is essential. Take into account the type of enemies you're facing and upgrade your units for that task. For instance, if you’re facing a lot of sword-wielders, upgraded Archidons (archers) might be the way to go.

3. **Balanced army composition**: Avoid relying too much on one type of unit, as each type has its own strength and weakness. A balanced army composition typically includes Swordwrath, Archidons, Magikill, and Speartons. This provides both melee and ranged attacks, supplemented by magic.

4. **Controlled aggression**: Don’t rush into enemy territory hoping for the best. It's always safer to wear down the enemy's defenses before launching a full-scale assault.

5. **Making use of the statue powerups**: The first available statue powerup makes your units cheaper, the second one makes them strong against the enemies' attacks, and the third one instantly generates new units. Use these powerups strategically, especially when dealing with multiple enemy waves at the same time.

6. **Using your giant**: Giants are powerful but slow. Make sure you bring some troops along to defend the giant as it takes down structures.

7. **High Priority targets**: If you have an opportunity to destroy a key enemy structure (like barracks or an archery range), go for it. This can cripple enemy production and give you the upper hand.

8. **Formation strategy**: Keeping your units in formations can also be quite helpful. Speartons and Giants should ideally be up front to absorb the damage, while Archidons and Swordwrath at the back for support.

Remember, Stick War Legacy is a fluid game that adjusts to your playstyle, so your most effective strategy may change from level to level. Experiment with different things and see what works best against each situation.

Lastly, don't forget to enjoy the game! Happy conquering!