
Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
According to an article by Agence France Presse on April 1,"Radon, a company set up in Moscow to monitor radioactivity and dispose of radioactive waste in central Russia, has been detecting traces of iodine and strontium isotopes since last week, deputy director Oleg Polsky said." ["Moscow 'detects radioactive particles'"]
If radioactive strontium isotopes were detected in Moscow, then the Japanese, Canadian and American authorities would have detected it too if they were looking for it. They should have been looking for strontium in air and milk, for starters, because strontium-90 is a known health danger. What if they did detect it but withheld that information from us? Well, then, their assurances of safety are out-and-out lies. Either way, governmental institutions in North America and Japan are criminally negligent or violators of human rights because they are covering up a public health danger. When a deadly chemical is in your midst and your protectors will not tell you the truth, you have a serious credibility problem - and criminal or human rights violation - involving government officials.
Human rights lawyers should immediately file a federal TRO (temporary restraining order) on the EPA to prevent any destruction or manipulation of the recently collected RADNET air filters. Lawyers could motion a federal judge to order an independent lab to run a beta spectrometry analysis on the filters to detect radiostrontiums. This court order could provide Americans with needed information and also provide evidence that the Obama adminstration and the EPA were acting negligently regarding public health.
Next week's Agence France Presse article: "International nuclear thought police shuts down Radon for illicit statement"
North America bombarded by waves of radiation
Air filter analyses by the U.S. EPA and academic laboratories paint a picture of waves of radiation crossing North America in mid-March to early-April in a similar fashion to weather systems, carrying radioactive iodines and cesiums via ground-level air, concentrating radioactivity in rainwater via washouts and amplifying iodine-131 in California milk via the air-rain-grass-cow-milk-human chain. Airborne hotspots from Las Vegas to Saipan, and rainouts outside of California, may pose additional radiological risks to the public. More Link Removed due to 404 Error.
EPA's Monitoring is a Human Rights Concern

In his written decision that handed a victory in 1983 to the plaintiffs in Irene Allen et. al. v. United States of America, Federal District Judge Bruce Jenkins noted that a 1950's era radiation monitoring program designed and implemented by the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) to supposedly protect citizens of Utah and Nevada from nuclear fallout "was focused almost exclusively on measurement of external gamma dosage" and that "long-term exposures and risks, particularly those related to external beta and internal exposure...were never adequately measured or analyzed during the period of atmospheric testing." A 1980 U.S. Congressional committee investigation noted in their final report, titled 'The Forgotten Guinea Pigs', that "an unusually high incidence of leukemia and thyroid cancers" resulted from the failure of the Atomic Energy Commission to give adequate warnings and monitor the fallout from the radioactive releases of nuclear weapons tests.
The EPA's response to the Fukushima releases is comparable to the unscientific and deliberately negligent monitoring practices of the Atomic Energy Commission. When assessing a government's failure to adequately protect the public during an accident, the size of the event does not matter as much as the manner of response. By all measures, the EPA's monitoring efforts to characterize the nature and scope of the public health threat from the Fukushima releases have been grossly inadequate and send a worrying message of America's continued failure to learn from the consequences of its past human rights violations.
Re-criticality can occur in Nevada as in Fukushima
[SIZE=+0]Several unexploded nuclear devices beneath a former nuclear test site in Nevada could experience 'localized criticality' as a result of subterranean geological changes. Re-criticality, or the resumption of atomic chain reactions in fissile materials, is believed to be afflicting one or more of the reactors at Fukushima Daiichi. The same phenomenon could occur in [/SIZE][SIZE=+0]unexploded or [/SIZE][SIZE=+0]partially exploded fissile material from emplaced nuclear bombs in underground areas of the Nevada National Security Site (NNSS). [/SIZE]Two [SIZE=+0]atomic bomb devices - one damaged during emplacement and another that failed to detonate - at NNSS were left as nuclear UXO (unexploded ordnance) for several years until an attempt by the Department of Energy[SIZE=+0] in 1979 to remotely force the devices' fissile material to separate. The [/SIZE]Department of Energy[SIZE=+0] alleges that an induced [/SIZE][SIZE=+0]'shock' environment created by two 1979 [/SIZE][SIZE=+0]large-scale underground nuclear detonations successfully destroyed the devices, yet such claims are dubious. [/SIZE][/SIZE]
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