
Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2019
ok this may not be your expertise but i wll post to see if amy one else ias having problems with s. Ever since I have updated to the latest version of it. The hardware scan failed every time all i get is exc command failed Dell says it is a Dll issue and that i need to rein stall the entire operating system for that. this is what i get when i run it appsrently Dell tried and said they can ot fix it and it is a Dll error and that i need to reinstall the operating systmem yet for weeks that said it was support assist problem No it is my computer. This is what i get '

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- Memory - Exec Command Failed

- CPU - Exec Command Failed

- Hard Drive - Exec Command Failed

- DVD-RW Drive - Exec Command Failed

- Video Card - Exec Command Failed

- Network Card - Exec Command Failed

- PCI Bridge - Exec Command Failed

- PCI Bus - Exec Command Failed

- Sound Card - Exec Command Failed

- HID - Exec Command Failed

- USB Composite - Exec Command Failed

- Bluetooth Device - Exec Command Failed

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Hello not sure if this is the right place for this I have been conyacting Dell tech support on this . For week they said it was asupport assist issue. then they tried fixinib it and doing what they could to fix the harware scan on support assist failing every tim since i have updated to the newest version but now since they can ot fix the issue and saying I am the only one which is not true having this issue They say it is DLL issue and need to reinstall the operating system. I have to do that for a hardware issue in Support assist. we have run all sorts of other tests for hardware and all pass.. I have hear from and seen others with the same problem. here is what i get every time i rn the support assist hard ware scan

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- Memory - Exec Command Failed

- CPU - Exec Command Failed

- Hard Drive - Exec Command Failed

- DVD-RW Drive - Exec Command Failed

- Video Card - Exec Command Failed

- Network Card - Exec Command Failed

- PCI Bridge - Exec Command Failed

- PCI Bus - Exec Command Failed

- Sound Card - Exec Command Failed

- HID - Exec Command Failed

- USB Composite - Exec Command Failed

- Bluetooth Device - Exec Command Failed

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they now say it is a dll problem i have uninstalled reinstalled did all the steps i was told to do by them and in windows help

i copied this from my email froma tech at Dell support .

well i am keepins uport assist but wil rarely use it and i am still convienced it is not my computer but the ap it self and until you at Dell figure it out I will stop using support assist

On 10/5/2021 11:35 AM, Mary wrote:

i had people working on it and that is what they said

On 10/5/2021 10:49 AM, Mary wrote:

apparently there is no fix you already tried and said it was a dll issue. And that the only option is a reinstall that is out of the question

On 10/5/2021 10:41 AM, Dell Tech Support wrote:


Dear Mary,

Thank you for your email.

We are extremely sorry to know that we have unresolved concerns with your computer.

We request you to reply to this e-mail and let us know your availability to arrange a callback and discuss the alternate options.

Thank you for choosing Dell.

Vikas Singh
Dell | Technical Support

Working Days: Monday ‒ Friday
11:30 AM - 08:30 PM EST
10:30 AM - 07:30 PM CST
08:30 AM - 05:30 PM PST
09:30 AM - 06:30 PM MST

If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, please reply to this email.
How am I doing? Please contact my manager at [email protected] to provide any feedback.

--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Mary [[email protected]]
Sent: 10/5/2021 7:26 PM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Dell Support: SR# 1068296820 from Chandan Paul [ ref:_00D0bGaMp._5002R1M7BSM:ref ]

so apparently Dell is done with me. for good now. Like i asked before you told me repeatedly that the problem was with the support assist app not my computer, So how come now the only solution is a reinstall. If it not my computer like you sid time after time hten why now is a reinstall needed . does each app or program have its own Dll .. if it were my computer would not all dlls be corrupt and you would see violations on sfc scan now which there were not any and why then when i run other hardware scans does it pass. it has to be the app and from what i am seeing others are also having the problem I am sure they are not doing or have done a complete reinstall. So please do not tell me it is my computer ok . thanks for all the help and all the trying

On 10/4/2021 3:05 PM, Dell Tech Support wrote:

Hello Mary,

Thank you, we received your email, thank you for sharing the details with us. we have checked with the information that you have shared.

We have tried the follwing steps so that we can resolve the issue but unfortunatly we were unable to do that as its an issue with one off the DLL file.

6. Once the services are deleted, check if the following folders remain. If they remain, delete them:
Folder: "C:\ProgramData\PCDr\"
Folder: "C:\ProgramData\SupportAssist"
Delete, Rename or drag the DellDataVault folder to the desktop, you will not be able to delete it: "C:\Program Files\Dell\DellDataVault"

7. Reboot the system and install the Support Assist application.

Thank you for choosing Dell.
Chandan Paul
Dell | Technical Support
Working Days: Monday ‒ Friday
Working hours:
11:30 AM - 08:30 PM EST
10:30 AM - 07:30 PM CST
08:30 AM - 05:30 PM PST
09:30 AM - 06:30 PM MST

If the issue is not resolved to your satisfaction, please reply to this email.

How am I doing? Please contact my manager at [email protected] to provide any feedback.
--------------- Original Message ---------------
From: Mary [[email protected]]
Sent: 10/5/2021 12:14 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: Dell Support: SR# 1068296820 from Chandan Paul [ ref:_00D0bGaMp._5002R1M7BSM:ref ]


On 10/4/2021 2:14 PM, Dell Tech Support wrote:

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Inspiron Desktops​

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  • Exec Command Failure when support assist runs

Last reply by Link Removed 09-13-2021 Unsolved

Link Removed
2 Bronze

‎09-04-2021 07:37 PM

Exec Command Failure when support assist runs

Hello all,

I have a new Ins 3891, when I ran SupportAssist I get the following result for the hardware scan, any suggestions? Please advise

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- Memory - Exec Command Failed

- CPU - Exec Command Failed

- Hard Drive - Exec Command Failed

- DVD-RW Drive - Exec Command Failed

- Video Card - Exec Command Failed

- Network Card - Exec Command Failed

- PCI Bridge - Exec Command Failed

- PCI Bus - Exec Command Failed

- Sound Card - Exec Command Failed

- HID - Exec Command Failed

- USB Composite - Exec Command Failed

- Bluetooth Device - Exec Command Failed

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Link Removed
2 Bronze

‎10-04-2021 11:39 AM

i too have this problem and dell has said they have tried everything. Now they say it is a 501 error and that they need to reinstall the operating system. I get the above failures everytime i run it. Have tested the hard ware a on a different test all good. the test is real fast does not take time to do it I hve the latest versio of support asist

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Replies (4)


Link Removed
4 Germanium

‎09-05-2021 01:39 AM

Obviously all those can not fail together, just a fluke and nothing is wrong with the hardware

Release Static charge and run the test again : disconnect charger while powered on and hold the power button down for 30 seconds, keep holding it even after it powers off. Run the test again,

else reinstall support.

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Link Removed
7 Thorium

‎09-06-2021 10:51 AM

Don't run Support Assist on a brand new computer. Ignore that message.

Link Removed
2 Bronze

Link Removed

‎09-10-2021 06:42 AM

No problem

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‎09-13-2021 08:02 PM

6. Once the services are deleted, check if the following folders remain. If they remain, delete them:
Folder: "C:\ProgramData\PCDr\"
Folder: "C:\ProgramData\SupportAssist"
Delete, Rename or drag the DellDataVault folder to the desktop, you will not be able to delete it: "C:\Program Files\Dell\DellDataVault"

7. Reboot the system and install the Support Assist application.

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As they correctly said, you need to reinstall. NOT a Dell mistake.

A reinstall of SA would technically fix any DLL issues.

well i am not going to reinstall the entire operating system
As they correctly said, you need to reinstall. NOT a Dell mistake.

because i can not get a hardware issue to work on support assist
I ran sfc
As they correctly said, you need to reinstall. NOT a Dell mistake.
why is that necessary everything else works

scan now and found nothing ran independent hard ware check and all passed

well i am not going to reinstall the entire operating system

because i can not get a hardware issue to work on support assist
I ran sfc

why is that necessary everything else works

scan now and found nothing ran independent hard ware check and all passed
well i am not going to reinstall the entire operating system

because i can not get a hardware issue to work on support assist
I ran sfc

why is that necessary everything else works

scan now and found nothing ran independent hard ware check and all passed
please explain to me why i need to do that. and what guarantee it will work after a reinstall of the operating system. Please help me understand why this is necessary

i need to reinstall the operating system for one program that i am not even sure i need

My suggestion was only based on your first post. It did look like you have more problems than those concerned with a single program:(

so you are saying there is aproblem with my computer besides suppot assist. I ran sehgate seatool snd everything passed also speecy

thank to all of you whore helping and responding to my issue. although i a not tech savvy and do not understand some of the steps and ling i do value any and all help thanks again. Please do not stop if you hae any other fixes or suggestions

it has been uninstalled and reinstalled i even diasbled my norton antivirus
and still not working every thing else in support assist works just not the hardware scan I use revo and i ob it uninstaller and removed all left overs as well and then reinstalled still having the issue

it was woring fine until the latest version what happens is the scan goes real fast and says no issues but then i get the stuff in post above in the history of seagste sea tools and HDD tune and found no errors

I tried reinstalling support assist from Dell and it would not install . so i got it from Microsoft store. Now runs like a charm
