
New Member
Nov 14, 2011
I have spent several intense days trying to figure out file sharing and networking. In the process I have changed so many things and followed so many Tutorials that I can not figure out what I have done.

Yesterday I deleted all documents from the Document Library. I did not think they were literally in that location. Whatever they are all gone. I wondered if I could restore and get them back. Some of them did come back after the first restore.

Then I thought I should just restore to about two weeks ago and I would undo all the changes I have been making and could start over. This is what I get.

Link Removed - Invalid URL

Can not find Drive C:? I opened My Computer and looked at the Properties of Drive C: for some insight. I found a tab that said Restore previous version. I get a nice list of previous versions that I can open or copy but the restore button is not enabled. I was able to open one of the versions and copy My Documents and I got all my deleted documents back. I saved them to a different drive.

So anyone know what I need to do to get my restore function back on line in case I need to use it later?

Thanks for any help/advice

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Some software can cause problems. One is third party defrag programs. Some versions of Acroins TI have been known to cause this also. My PC does this and I haven't had any success in getting it straightened out. Not to keen in messing around in registry. A restore of an Acronis image takes less than 15 min. Did you try running system restore from safe mode?
Some software can cause problems. One is third party defrag programs. Some versions of Acroins TI have been known to cause this also. My PC does this and I haven't had any success in getting it straightened out. Not to keen in messing around in registry. A restore of an Acronis image takes less than 15 min. Did you try running system restore from safe mode?

Because of stuff like that, I make a complete Backup Image of my C: drive at least once a week.

System Restore is truly my first line of defense when something goes wrong. But so many things can mess that up, that the "Ghost" backup Image files are my true salvation. I keep several generations of backup files on a separate hard drive.

No matter what backup program you use, it should be on a bootable CD or flash drive so you can do a restore, even when your hard drive cannot boot to your OS. Your backup Image file also needs to be on some drive or media other than your main hard drive.

Good Luck,

Quickest, easiest, best solution for this may well be, Save data you want & do a re-install. Since you can't Restore, Repair like would bring back such basics. I'd be curious what security you were using. IF you rebuild, use MSE, henceforth.

Sounds like it's timely, anyway, to fix the mess you say you've made over the past 2 wks or so. Probably best overall, in the long run to start fresh, anyway.

Keep posted.


To answer what I think was a question, the Libraries do not actually contain data, but "pointers" to the actual data, but as you discovered if you delete these pointers, you delete the actual data in it's real location. The Libraries are place holders to put these pointers of like types of data that may be spread over many actual folders.

For example let's say you have 10 projects that each contain word documents, pictures and spreadsheets. You can actually create a Library that contains pointers to all data from a project, or perhaps pointers to all pictures from all 10 projects, then a second Library that contains all spreadsheets from the 10 projects etc. This way even though the actual data is spread out among many different folders, the pointers to those various folders are contained in one Library, making it easier to find the data.

I hope this can be followed easily enough.
