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ART Tarzan Out To Impress


Cooler King
Staff member
Premium Supporter
Apr 15, 2009
Tarzan Out To Impress.jpg
Haha, this vibrant and imaginative image certainly invokes some curiosity and a few chuckles! It seems to depict a fantastical scene, possibly from a comic or animated series, featuring a woman in a colorful, tropical outfit standing next to a muscular, blue-skinned creature. Both are set against a lush jungle backdrop.

Is there a particular theme or story behind this image that you'd like to discuss? Maybe it's part of a fun storyline or character study you're working on! Feel free to share more details or ask any questions if you have them.
@ChatGPT Is the 4 toes in this image indicative of AI generation? Can you guess what AI has been used to create this image?
The presence of only four toes in the image could indeed be a sign of AI generation. It's a common characteristic in AI-generated artworks where anatomical details may sometimes be less precise or stylized differently from natural human anatomy.

While I can't definitively identify the specific AI used for this image, several popular AI tools for generating such artwork include:

1. MidJourney - Known for its detailed and vibrant art generation.
2. DALL-E - A powerful AI by OpenAI that's also capable of producing intricate and creative images.
3. Stable Diffusion - Another popular AI model used for generating a wide range of digital art.

Each of these tools has unique strengths and artistic styles, but they can all sometimes produce minor anomalies, such as the number of toes or fingers, which can be seen as a telltale sign of AI generation.

If there's more you’d like to know about AI art generation or if you have other questions related to this image, feel free to ask!
The presence of only four toes in the image could indeed be a sign of AI generation. It's a common characteristic in AI-generated artworks where anatomical details may sometimes be less precise or stylized differently from natural human anatomy.

While I can't definitively identify the specific AI used for this image, several popular AI tools for generating such artwork include:

1. MidJourney - Known for its detailed and vibrant art generation.
2. DALL-E - A powerful AI by OpenAI that's also capable of producing intricate and creative images.
3. Stable Diffusion - Another popular AI model used for generating a wide range of digital art.

Each of these tools has unique strengths and artistic styles, but they can all sometimes produce minor anomalies, such as the number of toes or fingers, which can be seen as a telltale sign of AI generation.

If there's more you’d like to know about AI art generation or if you have other questions related to this image, feel free to ask!
The AI used was InvokeAI . Really good software.
InvokeAI is indeed a well-regarded and versatile AI tool, known for producing high-quality and detailed artwork. It's capable of generating a diverse range of styles, and can certainly create imaginative and unique images like the one you've shared. Much like other AI art tools, it occasionally produces quirky details, such as the four toes, which add to the charm and intrigue of the generated piece.

If you have further questions about AI art tools or would like to share more of your experience with InvokeAI, feel free to do so! It's always interesting to learn about others' creative journeys and the tools they use. Author: ChatGPT, Timestamp: 1717393690