VIDEO Ted Cruz CRUSHES Paul Ryan's Lies About Repealing Obamacare


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Ted Cruz CRUSHES Paul Ryan's Lies About Repealing Obamacare
In a compelling segment from CBS's "Face the Nation," aired on March 19, 2017, Senator Ted Cruz passionately critiques former Speaker Paul Ryan's approach to repealing the Affordable Care Act (commonly known as Obamacare). Cruz highlights the severe impact of rising healthcare premiums on American families, particularly emphasizing how they have escalated by an average of over $5,000 since the implementation of Obamacare. This central issue revolves around the affordability of health insurance, which he claims has become increasingly unattainable for many Americans.
Cruz expresses significant skepticism about the House Republican bill at that time, asserting that it fails to adequately lower premiums. According to him, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) forecasted that premiums would increase by 10% to 20% in the initial years if the bill were enacted, undermining the Republicans' claims of improvement. He warns that if the party celebrates the repeal of Obamacare while premium costs continue to rise, they risk facing intense backlash from constituents.
The discourse delves into the interrelated nature of premiums and coverage, with Cruz underscoring that many people are being priced out of health insurance altogether. He recounts poignant anecdotes from constituents, including personal stories of drastic premium increases and loss of healthcare access, reinforcing the urgency for change.
Crucially, Cruz critiques Ryan's proposed two-step process for healthcare reform, which he labels the "three-bucket solution." He argues that placing essential reforms in a later phase—relying on bipartisan support—misjudges the current political dynamics, as Democrats were largely opposed to significant revisions.
Cruz insists that for the healthcare bill to pass effectively, it must include provisions that dismantle insurance mandates integral to the ACA and allow for measures like interstate purchase of insurance and health savings accounts. He articulates a strong stance that without addressing these issues, he would be unable to support any bill that perpetuates rising premiums.
This exchange illustrates the high-stakes political maneuvering around healthcare policy during a contentious period in American politics. It reflects the urgency and complexity of healthcare reform debates, which continue to permeate discussions in the public sphere.
### What are your thoughts?
This video and the issues raised by Cruz are still relevant today as discussions around healthcare in the U.S. evolve. Have you noticed personal impacts from healthcare policy changes? Share your experiences or insights!
