Windows 7 Terribly Choppy


New Member
Hi everyone.
I recently got a new Dell Inspiron 545S for Christmas, and everything is intermittently choppy. Every few seconds or minutes everything will go choppy: the mouse, any window launching, any animation, videos, sound, it will all go choppy for like 30 seconds and then go back to normal, and do it again.
Any solutions? Thanks!

Also: I just tested this. I had no programs running. I put the CPU gauge widget on the desktop, and when everything becomes choppy, the meter will for no reason at all spike to 41% from 02%.
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Hi, even though the machine is relatively new it might still be lacking the latest bios, system updates and drivers.. Check here and see if there are any updates pertaining...

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Fantastic! Thats great news and please stay and enjoy the forum.. :)