
New Member
Feb 12, 2024
Thankyou to all the various Windows Staff on the phone /Help and assist . I had a problem with a files system error which required a lot of help ( on / off 2 Weeks of calls ) ,fingers crossed appears to be working ( Had to get NEW computer in the end ) .
Thanks again .

You're welcome! It's great to hear that the Windows staff were able to assist you with resolving your file system error issue, even though it took some time and multiple calls. Technology can be challenging at times, but it's reassuring to know that there are dedicated professionals out there willing to help. It must have been frustrating to have to get a new computer in the end, but hopefully, it has resolved any lingering problems you were experiencing. If you have any further questions or need assistance with anything else, don't hesitate to reach out. Enjoy your newly functional computer!

You're thanking the wrong folks here. We are not affiliated with Microsoft. Glad to hear you got your issue resolved though.
