Windows 7 The action can't be completed because the file is open in Microsoft Word


Honorable Member
Sep 6, 2010
This is happening with one specific word doc (a book of mine) over last few weeks. It will open but I cant delete, rename or move it.
I really need to get rid of it as it is preventing me from saving newer versions - even if I alter the name for the new version!!. It seems like it is picking up the content (which is almost identical) because otherwise it should accept another file to be added into the same folder if it has a totally different name! But it won't accept it. Same message.

Message is ..... The action can't be completed because the file is open in Microsoft Word

1. I have been to Task manager and stopped Word running. So, I stop that. Then I go back and try to delete that file - but get same message every time I try this.
2. I have cleared the registry of temp files.
3. I have searched the net and tried to search this forum for this question.

Any ideas please greatly appreciated

NOTE It is still happening by trying to do it via Explorer ...............but I just managed to handle it by doing some dragging around inside the Word doc programme. So at least I can continue work and keep doing it this way.

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Download Process Explorer - Windows Sysinternals
  • Click Find
  • Click Find handle or dll
  • Type part of the file name or even .doc and it should show you any open handles
  • Click the handle and it should highlight the process that has it open and the handle
  • Right click the handle in the main window and close it
