VIDEO The Dark Side Of Chocolate 2010 Full Documentry !


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
:eek: :shocked:

The Dark Side Of Chocolate: A Review of the 2010 Documentary
In 2010, the documentary "The Dark Side of Chocolate" exposed the grim realities behind the chocolate industry, particularly highlighting the exploitation and child trafficking related to cocoa farms in Africa. This compelling film has garnered significant attention as it unearths the uncomfortable truths often overlooked by chocolate consumers worldwide.
### Undercover Investigation into Child Labor
The documentary begins by illustrating the stark contrast between the enjoyment of chocolate in wealthier nations and the plight of children in cocoa-producing countries. The filmmakers embarked on an undercover investigation, employing hidden cameras to reveal the harsh conditions in which children work, often under forced labor circumstances.
### Cocoa's Journey: From Farm to Consumer
The film traces the journey of cocoa—from the farms in West Africa, specifically the Ivory Coast, to the shelves of chocolate manufacturers. It highlights the shameful reality where children, some as young as seven, are trafficked from neighboring countries like Mali and Burkina Faso to work in cocoa plantations. These children endure hazardous conditions, handling machetes and being exposed to harmful pesticides.
### Industry Denials and the Harken-Engle Protocol
Despite the documentary's powerful revelations, many in the chocolate industry have remained in denial. The film discusses the Harken-Engle Protocol, an agreement signed in 2001 by major chocolate manufacturers, which aimed to eliminate child labor in cocoa production. However, the documentary argues that this protocol has failed to yield significant changes, as child labor persists.
### Perspectives from Experts
Interviews with various experts underscore the magnitude of the problem. An official from the International Labour Organization reflects on the helplessness felt in combating child labor, emphasizing that while some progress has been made, concrete change remains elusive.
### Conclusion
"The Dark Side of Chocolate" serves as a vital eye-opener for consumers regarding the ethical implications of their chocolate purchases. It challenges us to consider the origins of our beloved treats and urges for a fairer industry that prioritizes the welfare of its laborers.
### Community Engagement
What are your thoughts on the chocolate industry and its commitments to end child labor? Have you come across more recent developments or documentaries on this subject? Feel free to share your insights or experiences!
