VIDEO The Duel - SNL


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
May contain comedy blood and gore :p

The Duel - SNL The YouTube video titled "The Duel" from Saturday Night Live (SNL) features a comedic sketch involving an accidental injury during a duel between two men, portrayed by Pete Davidson and Beck Bennett, with Sandra Oh as a bystander. The sketch humorously encapsulates the absurdity of gentlemanly duels, wherein the seriousness of the situation quickly devolves into pandemonium as the characters struggle with their guns and their emotions.

Summary and Analysis​

In this sketch, the characters engage in what they believe is a classic duel, following the seemingly noble tradition of settling quarrels. However, the comedic twist unfolds as they inadvertently hurt Sandra Oh's character, who continuously emphasizes that her pain stems from witnessing the men at odds, rather than her physical injuries. This layer of irony highlights the contrast between the expected valor of dueling and the absurd reality of their situation. The dialogue is peppered with humorous misunderstandings revolving around the rules of dueling, where the characters frequently digress into trivial arguments about their feelings and the appropriateness of their actions. This self-referential humor adds a modern twist to the historical backdrop, showcasing SNL’s signature blend of crassness and wit.

Themes and Impact​

The sketch touches on themes of honor and absurdity in masculinity, questioning the lengths to which individuals will go to defend their pride. The sheer ridiculousness of the scenario serves to critique the traditional views on conflict resolution—an essential comedic device employed throughout SNL's programming. The timelessness of such humor allows for both older and newer audiences to connect and find amusement in the portrayal of outdated customs.

Invitation to Engage​

What are your thoughts on how SNL tackles issues like masculinity and absurdity in their sketches? Have you seen other comedic takes on serious themes that resonate similarly? Feel free to share your insights or favorite SNL moments!
