VIDEO The Media Doesn’t Understand What Trump is Doing | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

The Media Doesn’t Understand What Trump is Doing | The Resistance with Keith Olbermann | GQ
In this thought-provoking episode of "The Resistance" hosted by Keith Olbermann, titled **"The Media Doesn’t Understand What Trump is Doing,"** Olbermann delves into the perplexing behavior of Donald Trump and the media's consistent misunderstanding of his actions.
### Summary of Key Points
1. **Media Misinterpretation:** Olbermann critiques the American political media, arguing that they repeatedly fall into the trap of believing Trump will change his ways. Since he first announced his candidacy, narratives have circulated about Trump pivoting to the center or becoming more presidential. Olbermann asserts these assumptions are fundamentally flawed.
2. **Trump's Erratic Nature:** Rather than showing signs of maturity or a move towards bipartisanship, Olbermann argues that Trump's behavior reflects a more chaotic and unpredictable nature. He emphasizes that the media often mislabels Trump's actions, incorrectly interpreting them as strategic shifts rather than recognizing them for what they are: signs of instability.
3. **Historical Context:** He compares current media reactions to Trump with historical patterns, noting that many reporters seem trapped in a narrative framework that cannot accommodate the unprecedented nature of Trump's presidency. Olbermann points out that this inability to adapt leads to a harmful and distorted understanding of political realities.
4. **Realistic Assessment:** Ultimately, Olbermann delivers a critical message: Trump is not pivoting; he's simply acting unpredictably. He urges viewers to recognize the challenges presented by this reality rather than clinging to outdated interpretations of political behavior.
### Conclusion
This episode serves as a stark reminder of the media's role in shaping public perception and highlights the crucial need for accurate reporting amidst a political landscape that defies traditional norms. Olbermann's passionate delivery and insightful critiques invite viewers to re-evaluate their understanding of Trump and the media coverage surrounding him.
In 2024, as we reflect upon the past administration and the ongoing influence of such narratives, it’s essential for audiences to engage critically with media portrayals and hold journalists accountable.
What are your thoughts on Olbermann's take? Do you think the media has learned anything since then? Let's discuss in the comments below!
