VIDEO The Mysterious Return Of NASA's Centaur Rocket


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

The Mysterious Return Of NASA's Centaur Rocket
At the end of 2020, astronomers made a fascinating discovery: an old rocket booster from the 1960s was making its way back to Earth. This video delves deep into the details of the Centaur rocket's journey and its significance in the realm of space exploration.
### Background
The Centaur rocket was launched in 1966 as part of NASA's Surveyor 2 mission, which aimed to explore the Moon. Unfortunately, the spacecraft lost control due to a thruster failure and crashed onto the lunar surface. However, the Centaur upper stage continued its journey, entering an orbit that would take it far from Earth.
### Discovery of Object 2020SO
In September 2020, astronomers observing asteroids with the NASA survey telescope in Maui stumbled upon an object displaying unusual characteristics. Named 2020SO, its speed and orbit suggested it wasn't a typical asteroid. Further analysis indicated that it had a very circular orbit resembling that of Earth and was likely an artificial object.
### The Tracing Process
Upon tracing back its path, astronomers discovered that 2020SO had made a close approach to Earth in 1966, coinciding with the launch of the Surveyor 2 mission. They realized that this object was indeed the Centaur upper stage that had been orbiting the Sun for decades.
### Spectroscopy and Materials Analysis
In order to confirm its identity, scientists utilized spectroscopy—a technique used to determine the composition of materials based on the light they emit or absorb. By comparing the spectral data of 2020SO with known stainless steel samples, they were initially met with varying results due to the wear and exposure to space over the years.
Fortunately, they had access to another Centaur rocket stage launched in 1971, which had remained in orbit. The spectral analysis of this older stage matched perfectly with that of 2020SO, confirming that it was indeed the lost Centaur booster.
### Conclusion
The story of the Centaur rocket highlights the importance of tracking space debris and understanding our historical interactions with space exploration. As rocket launches increase, so does the need for precise monitoring of objects that wander into Earth's vicinity. The eventual return of 2020SO serves as a reminder of the transient nature of space objects and the intricacies of our technological history.
This unique journey from past to present also opens discussions on the future of our technological advancements in tracking space debris. What do you think about the implications of this discovery? Have you followed any similar stories of space exploration?
Feel free to share your thoughts or any experiences you have regarding space missions, and let’s engage in a discussion about our ever-expanding reach into the cosmos!
