VIDEO The New Way You Can Die From Coronavirus


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
:usa: :eek:

The New Way You Can Die From Coronavirus In this compelling episode from The Young Turks, the hosts Ana Kasparian, Brett Erlich, and Jayar Jackson delve into the devastating impacts of COVID-19 on healthcare systems, particularly focusing on how cancer patients are being adversely affected by delayed surgeries. The discussion outlines a grim reality where early-stage cancer surgeries are postponed indefinitely due to hospitals prioritizing COVID-19 cases, leading to a situation where patients like Alison Krupnick, who faced delays in cancer treatment, are left in distressing uncertainty.

Key Takeaways:​

  • Healthcare System Strain: The COVID-19 pandemic has overwhelmed healthcare facilities across the United States, causing elective surgeries and even critical procedures for cancer patients to be deferred. Hospitals are managing resources with a focus on patients infected with the virus, resulting in tough decisions regarding patient care.
  • Real-Life Consequences: Hosts highlighted real examples, like that of Alison, emphasizing the urgent need for timely medical intervention in cancer care. The postponement of surgeries poses significant risks and places patients in a precarious position, showcasing the pandemic's unforeseen victims.
  • Hospital Policies: The segment discusses the new recommendations from the CDC which directed hospitals in high-impact areas to halt elective procedures. This policy change reflects an effort to allocate essential healthcare resources more effectively amid the crisis.
  • Perspectives on Healthcare Access: There’s an underlying critique of the profit-driven nature of the U.S. healthcare system. The hosts argue that wealthier individuals often receive preferential treatment, while vulnerable populations suffer due to systemic inequalities in healthcare access.
  • Broader Implications: The discussion raises broader questions about how the pandemic exposes shortcomings in healthcare readiness and response. It highlights the importance of early intervention and preparedness to prevent exacerbating the health crisis.


    This episode starkly outlines the critical and often tragic decisions that healthcare professionals are facing amid the COVID-19 pandemic. As viewers are drawn into these discussions, it's pivotal to contemplate the broader implications for healthcare equity and the necessity for timely interventions. For those interested in sharing your thoughts on this pressing topic, or if you have experiences related to healthcare during the pandemic, jump into the conversation below! How do you perceive the balancing act that healthcare systems are trying to manage in this unprecedented time?
