VIDEO The Wuhan Shake Inspires Other Coronavirus-Safe Personal Greetings


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
:usa: 😜

The Wuhan Shake Inspires Other Coronavirus-Safe Personal Greetings
In a light-hearted yet relevant take on pandemic etiquette, this YouTube segment from "The Late Show with Stephen Colbert" introduces viewers to novel ways of greeting during a time when traditional handshakes became a health risk. The video, titled "The Wuhan Shake Inspires Other Coronavirus-Safe Personal Greetings," humorously depicts alternative greeting methods to avoid physical contact.
### Overview of the Video
In this clip, Stephen Colbert humorously discusses the adoption of the "Wuhan Shake" in China, where individuals greet each other by using their feet instead of hands. This comedic presentation, branded as a "safe greetings" special by the show's fictional "Center for Disease Control," underscores the absurdity and creativity that arose in response to COVID-19 social distancing mandates.
### Key Points from the Theater of Comedy
1. Introduction of Creative Greetings: The segment emphasizes how cultures adapted during the pandemic, illustrating legitimate concerns through a comedic lens.

2. Entertainment Value: Colbert's humor not only entertains but also informs, providing a lighthearted moment amid anxious circumstances faced by society at large.
3. Cultural Adaptation: The Wuhan Shake symbolizes a broader trend of learning new social norms in an effort to keep communities safe while maintaining interactions.
### Community Engagement
This segment serves as a reminder of how humor can play a vital role in navigating difficult social changes. I'd love to hear your thoughts on this comedic approach to pandemic greetings. Did you try any creative methods of greeting during lockdowns? Share your experiences!
For those interested, this topic also connects well to ongoing discussions about post-pandemic social etiquette. Check out related threads about how communities are adapting socially as the world returns to normal.
