
New Member
Feb 3, 2010
Hello there,

I'm not quite sure where to put this thread but at some point I'm having issues with my Win7Ultimate x64

Some zip files that contain .exe files for an example that contains "New EFS- Normal.exe" and "New EFS- Silent.exe"

These two files are being blocked by windows.

Resulting in this message that I get from winzip and winrar

Extracting to "C:\Users\Gudjon\Desktop\LG\EFS\"
Use Path: yes Overlay Files: no
Extracting New EFS- Normal.exe
File was blocked, user selected to skip file and continue processing
Extracting New EFS- Silent.exe
File was blocked, user selected to skip file and continue processing

Is there any way to bypass this blocking?
I've tried turning off UAC, Win Firewall and Avast antivirus without any results.

I seriously need to access these files to be able to manage my Cellphone..

If anyone know a hint or a tip, it would be much appreciated!

Well, I am the admin of the computer so I think I ought to be able to access the files but somehow I'm not able to access them..

Got any other clues what I might be able to do?

And btw, thanks for the replies, it's always nice to see helpful persons :)

well you can fight the way that windows 7 works but I think you will end up frustrated ;)

since windows xp where many users insisted on running as administrators when it wasn't really necessary and the problems this caused, where infection's took advantage by using the privileges of the user on that system to wreak havoc, simply taking control of system files with their full access privileges which they had automatically acquired from the user :eek:

Since Vista and...
can you right click the zip file\properties and is there an "unblock" button ?

can you right click the zip file\properties and is there an "unblock" button ?

Yeah, I can do that, but then I have another problem, saying that the EFS exe's don't exist in a temporary folder

Winzip error version:
Could not find
C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\wzd41b\New EFS Normal.exe

Winrar error version:

Well there is no error windows, but winrar extracts all the other files that are included in the zip files except the exe files, it seems like winrar extracts them but the disappear.

Yeah, I can do that, but then I have another problem, saying that the EFS exe's don't exist in a temporary folder

Winzip error version:
Could not find
C:\Users\xxxxx\AppData\Local\Temp\wzd41b\New EFS Normal.exe

Winrar error version:

Well there is no error windows, but winrar extracts all the other files that are included in the zip files except the exe files, it seems like winrar extracts them but the disappear.

this might be permissions inherited from parent, try unzip the files in a folder where permissions are unrestricted like my documents ?

Well, I am the admin of the computer so I think I ought to be able to access the files but somehow I'm not able to access them..

Got any other clues what I might be able to do?

And btw, thanks for the replies, it's always nice to see helpful persons :)

Well, I am the admin of the computer so I think I ought to be able to access the files but somehow I'm not able to access them..

Got any other clues what I might be able to do?

And btw, thanks for the replies, it's always nice to see helpful persons :)

well you can fight the way that windows 7 works but I think you will end up frustrated ;)

since windows xp where many users insisted on running as administrators when it wasn't really necessary and the problems this caused, where infection's took advantage by using the privileges of the user on that system to wreak havoc, simply taking control of system files with their full access privileges which they had automatically acquired from the user :eek:

Since Vista and now in windows 7 to combat security breaches the system restricts the access level of an admin so when you take most everyday action's you operate as a normal user, and when you need to administer an action that requires an elevated privilege then the system issues you a token just for that action then your returned back to being a normal user , On top of this the folders within the windows and program files directories by default are set at a higher security than the rest of your system and any action will always require higher privileges simply to make it that much harder for any 3rd party software from altering corrupting or damaging any system files.

Even though you are admin you will never have the full access privileges that System has !

this is why I suggest it might be easier to lift the files into folders with less restrictions in order to get access to the .exe you need :)

hola ... me parece bueno lo que dices en este ultimo post ... pero que pasa cuando no puedo cambiar la carpeta? mi problema es con la temporal

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error ese Aparece hata ejecutandolo como administrador ... Mas alla de que mi cuenta tien los permisos de administrador

ya he formateado mil veces mi mà ¡quina ... y sigue apareciendo el error .. Que 2 de Windows instalado Diferentes .. y sigue ... Ya no se que hacer ...

El error Aparece un tiempo depues de estar funcionado Normalmente la ... me deja instalar cosas ... Hasta que en un punto Decidir no dejarme mas ... />
alguna idea?

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