I only use it for the DATA voluem for MP3, videos, and MCE data. the OS is on Disk 0. the reson im trying to use soft RAID is its the same CPU util as the FAKE RAID provided by the NRAID driver and allows me to port the volume to any windows system that will reconize the file system. (aka decouple from the controller)
ok, thanks to DISKPART the answer is soft RAID 5 is not supported on this version of windows. ok thats an intelligent answer. so its the same as XP until some one hacks it to enable the RAID 5 option it will not be avalbile.
as to doing it in FAKE RAID, Nforce 3 dosent have it so I'm SOL. Strippe set it is untill its haked.
performance is way better(overall and in disk manager), I enabled the NVRAID controller, it...