VIDEO Trump Asked This VERY Inappropriate Question


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Trump Asked This VERY Inappropriate Question
In a recent episode from The Young Turks, hosts Cenk Uygur and John Iadarola discuss a striking moment involving Donald Trump, where he posed a rather inappropriate question to Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. This exchange sheds light on the underlying issues of loyalty and integrity within the ranks of the U.S. government under Trump's administration.
### Summary of the Discussion
The video revolves around a conversation between Trump and Rosenstein that took place back in December. During this interaction, Trump asked Rosenstein if he was "on my team." While not as overt as his infamous request for loyalty from former FBI Director James Comey, this query nevertheless raises eyebrows regarding the expectations of loyalty from someone in the Justice Department.
**Key Points Discussed:**
- **Context of the Question:** Uygur and Iadarola argue that Trump's query reflects his longstanding interest in personal loyalty, blurring the line between allegiance to the presidency and adherence to the broader obligations of the justice system.
- **Rosenstein's Response:** According to congressional testimony, Rosenstein didn’t interpret Trump's question as a demand for loyalty, although it clearly placed him in a difficult position, indicative of the tensions within the executive branch.
- **Nunes Memo Discussion:** The conversation also referenced Devin Nunes’ actions regarding the controversial memo linked to the FBI, emphasizing the politicization of intelligence and oversight, further complicating the dynamics in Washington.
### Implications and Community Engagement
This analysis extends beyond just a political commentary; it illuminates critical issues of governance, ethics, and the role of the FBI in political matters. Trump's approach raises questions about the integrity of law enforcement when mixed with political agendas.
As we reflect on these events, it's crucial to consider:
- How do you perceive the balance between loyalty to the President versus the duty to the Constitution?
- What impact do you think such interactions have on public trust in governmental institutions?
Feel free to share your thoughts and engage with the discussion below! Whether you agree or disagree with these insights, your perspective is valuable in navigating the intricacies of today's political landscape.
