VIDEO Trump Officials Zip Around In Private Jets While Puerto Ricans Pay Full Price To Evacuate


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Trump Officials Zip Around In Private Jets While Puerto Ricans Pay Full Price To Evacuate
In a recent YouTube video from "The Ring of Fire," a significant controversy surrounding the Trump administration is brought to light. The video discusses how high-ranking officials, including Tom Price, Ryan Zinke, and Scott Pruitt, have been utilizing private jets for official business, often funded by the taxpayer. It’s revealed that Tom Price has accrued over $500,000 in private flight fees, for which he has only promised to pay back a fraction of the amount.
The narrative contrasts these lavish expenditures with the plight of Puerto Rican citizens who were recently subjected to full-price evacuation flights amid the devastation from Hurricane Maria. Instead of receiving assistance, they are forced to take out loans from the Justice Department to afford their escape, which has led to a disturbing practice of holding onto their passports and IDs until the loans are paid off. This means that those who desperately need to leave the island for basic necessities such as food and clean water are effectively trapped until they can repay the government.
The video laments this apparent hypocrisy: while wealthy cabinet members indulge in private jet travel, Puerto Ricans are denied necessary discounts or assistance. The commentary urges a re-examination of priorities in government funding and support, calling for an investigation into the misuse of taxpayer money by these officials.
In conclusion, the video encapsulates a critical moment in the ongoing discussion about governmental accountability, ethical spending, and humanitarian support, particularly in disaster recovery scenarios.
What are your thoughts on this situation? Do you think more should be done to assist disaster-stricken areas? Share your opinions below!
