VIDEO Trump University Was Textbook Fraud


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Trump University Was Textbook Fraud
In a recent YouTube video titled "Trump University Was Textbook Fraud," The Young Turks, hosted by Cenk Uygur, delves into the unraveling of Trump University, revealing serious allegations of fraud that have resurfaced with the unsealing of court documents. The video provides a critical examination of how the institution misrepresented itself and exploited vulnerable individuals seeking financial success in real estate.
### Overview of the Allegations
The focus centers on statements made by New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, who outlines the legal violations committed by Trump University. He emphasizes that the organization was never a legitimate university, and its very name was misleading. As Schneiderman points out, claims were made about offering courses led by handpicked experts, but evidence shows that many instructors were underqualified and lacked relevant experience. This misrepresentation eradicates any semblance of credibility that the institution might have had.
### Key Highlights from the Discussion
1. **Legal Violations**: Schneiderman identifies specific laws against business and consumer fraud that Trump University violated, which led to its controversial operations being labeled as fraudulent right from the outset.
2. **Misleading Marketing**: The promotional tactics utilized by Trump University are compared to classic "snake oil" salesmanship, where Donald Trump’s image was leveraged to attract students, making outlandish promises about wealth and success that were fundamentally unsubstantiated.
3. **Student Experiences**: Testimonials from attendees who paid significant sums for courses reveal a pattern of exploitation, where instructors primarily focused on sales techniques rather than actual education. The significant debts incurred by these students raised ethical questions about Trump's business practices.
4. **Political Ramifications**: The video connects the revelations about Trump University to Trump's presidential campaign, noting that these fraudulent activities could potentially harm his public image and electoral prospects.
### Conclusion
The video wraps up with a call for accountability, suggesting that exposure of these fraudulent practices could impact Trump’s standing in both business and politics. The discussion serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and integrity in business dealings, especially for those in influential positions.
##### Community Thoughts
What do you think about the impact of these revelations on Trump’s legacy? Are you surprised by the extent of the fraud unveiled? Let's discuss how this might affect future businesses and the expectations we should have from educational institutions.
Feel free to share your thoughts or experiences related to this topic!
