VIDEO Trump's Polls In The Gutter... Democrats Somehow Worse


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

Trump's Polls In The Gutter... Democrats Somehow Worse.
In a recent analysis, Cenk Uygur of The Young Turks dives into the troubling state of approval ratings for both Donald Trump and the Democratic Party. The video, titled "Trump's Polls In The Gutter... Democrats Somehow Worse," highlights the fallout from Trump's first 100 days in office, revealing that he holds the record for the lowest popularity of any president during this initial period.
Uygur starts by presenting stark polling numbers: a staggering 52% disapprove of Trump, compared to only 42% who approve. This stark contrast is emphasized by historical context; while most presidents enjoy a surge in approval during their first 100 days—Barack Obama, for example, had a 69% approval rating during that timeframe—Trump's is notably poorer. In fact, Uygur points out that Trump’s ratings are significantly worse when compared to previous presidents dating back to 1945, with Gerald Ford being the only one who, for various reasons, came close to similar lows.
Moving from Trump to the Democrats, Uygur argues that the Democratic Party is suffering even more, with 67% of voters believing it is out of touch with the concerns of most Americans. This revelation presents a bleak picture for Democrats, particularly in the face of their inability to connect with their voter base, especially younger and more progressive individuals. Uygur stresses that if the Democrats continue along their current path—one heavily influenced by corporate interests—they risk losing to Republican candidates again.
The video also discusses how Trump's base remains loyal, with 96% of those who voted for him in the last election still supportive, which is striking given the controversies surrounding his early administration. Uygur warns the Democrats that without significant change, their prospects in future elections could be severely compromised.
The analysis serves not just as a political commentary but as a rallying cry for progressive change within the Democratic Party. Uygur emphasizes the need for a fundamental shift towards policies that truly resonate with the electorate.
For those interested in politics and how these dynamics might play out in upcoming elections, this video is a sharp reminder of the precarious balance in American political opinions today.
What are your thoughts on the state of the Democratic Party? Do you agree that a shift towards progressive policies is necessary? Share your views below!
