
Essential Member
Jan 26, 2009
I have no idea how the company can move forward after Link Removed due to 404 Error. The death of Twitter is almost certain now. To deal with this devastating news, I recommend you tell the boss you are taking the afternoon off to consider your options. May your God be with you in these troubling times.

In what's certain to become the most devastating news ....was considered prolific and "interesting" among the Twitter crowd, and heartbroken fans -- in between bouts of hysterical sobbing and hair-tugging desperation.

Oh God!!!!! What will I do now? My life is at an end. I'll never turn on my computer again. Oh wait. I don't have a Twitter account. Never Mind. :rolleyes:

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Me either, who the Hell cares...............

Except those billions of Twitter users.

I'm sure there will be a lot of upset people. there's people on one side of the planet crying because they don't have food/water/a home/their family has been killed/they have no money. Then there's people on the other side crying because they can't follow the minute-by-minute activities of a sixteen year old girl online. Poor tweetards :(

Read some of the articles on Twitter in the Security Zone and Water Cooler sections.

scamware, malware, compromised accounts, etc. That's just the tip of the iceberg.


I'm sitting on the couch eating a pizza.

What the Hell is that? Who gives a rat;s ass.

I must admit I did join Twitter . Then same day I regained my sanity . Do get the odd e-mail asking to follow me . I put them in the junk mail section .

Who's Link Removed - Invalid URL?

Ho Hum.....couldn't care less since never use such drivel inspiring sites......btw does someone whom uses Twitter a lot get referred to as a "TWIT"?

What is TWIT?

Noun1.twit - someone who is regarded as contemptible Link Removed, Link Removed
Link Removed, Link Removed - a person lacking intelligence or common sense

twit noun (Informal, chiefly Brit.) Link Removed, Link Removed, Link Removed (slang, chiefly U.S. & Canad.), Link Removed (Brit. informal), Link Removed (informal), Link Removed, Link Removed, Link Removed (Brit. slang), Link Removed (Brit. slang), Link Removed (derogatory slang), Link Removed (slang), Link Removed (slang), Link Removed (slang), Link Removed (slang), Link Removed (informal), Link Removed, Link Removed, Link Removed (slang), Link Removed (Brit. slang), Link Removed (slang), Link Removed (slang), Link Removed (U.S. slang), Link Removed (slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL (informal), Link Removed - Invalid URL, Link Removed - Invalid URL, Link Removed - Invalid URL (Brit. slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL (Brit. slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL, silly-billy (informal), Link Removed - Invalid URL, Link Removed - Invalid URL (U.S. slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL (U.S. slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL (U.S. informal), Link Removed - Invalid URL (Scot. & Irish), Link Removed - Invalid URL (Brit. slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL (slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL (Irish taboo slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL (Scot. informal), Link Removed - Invalid URL (slang, chiefly U.S.), Link Removed - Invalid URL (taboo slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL (Brit. informal), dickwit (slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL or Link Removed - Invalid URL (slang), Link Removed - Invalid URL or Link Removed - Invalid URL, Link Removed or Link Removed (informal) a pompous twit who loved the sound of his own voice

I guss that tells it all.:)

Does this mean that Twitter is only worth a half BILLION? Before Miley left twitter was valued at more than General Motors. I read a report the other day that said by the time Miley was 22 SHE would be worth a Billion dollars. Billy Ray done good !

I think twitter does serve a valuable service... just the other day the authorities caught a fugitive because he twittered his location.

What is twitter anyway? I thought it was just text messaging made public. I guess I'm twittering a little now and didn't know it. Gezz.. had someone told me I was twittering I would have thought I needed to see a doctor.
