
New Member
Mar 31, 2011
My build:
Intel core i5 2500k
F3-12800CL9D-8GBXL G.Skill 2x4gb

So I put the computer together and attempted to install Windows 7 home premium 64. I got the same error over and over again than fixed it by changing ram positions and was able to install W7 onto the SSD. It worked fine for a day. I then loaded gfx card drivers and loaded all the drivers off the MOBO disk. I rebooted a few times and it lal worked fine. Then I opened up the case again and installed a SATA dvd drive. After booting up again it said it couldnt find the required drive. It wasnt able to find any operating system.

I went through DISKPART and did list drive and it shows the drive. how ever when I select the drive there are no partitions and no volumes. So I attempted to reinstall W7 but everytime I try it gives me the error Unable to install to the selected location. Error: 0x80300024. When I try and make a partition it looks like its trying then it stops and it did nothing. I also tried doing all the startup repairs from windows. I also tried using bootrec.exe to fix mbr and bcd both returned success but neither fixed anything. When i did bootrec scan os it said there was no OS. I also tried using DISKPART to do Clean all on the drive and i get an error, "DiskPart has encountered an error: The request could not be performed because of an I/O device error. "
So it wont let me do anything to the disk.

I have tried running it from two different sata3 ports and 1 of my sata2 ports they all have the same issue. I have tried disconnecting other drivers and just running the SSD and it still doesnt work. I tried removing the dvd drive and that did not fix the problem.

I am at a loss for what to try now or what is really causing the issue. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,

You've certainly done the rounds in trying to sort it. Think at this stage I'd reduce the hardware to a bare bones config and start afresh.
