Understanding the Places Bar, Favorites and Libraries: How do they work, and how they can be customi

Cyber Shaman

New Member
Hi all,

While using Windows XP, I used TweakUI to get the directories I frequently used with a minimum of fuss. The default options just didn't cut for me.

At first, I thought the Libraries feature would be useful on Windows 7 but in my experience, they're more trouble than they're worth. What I'm really looking for is a quick, 5-option access to folders I concentrate work-related files on.

My question is thus, firstly: how can the Common File Dialog, Places Bar be actually customized? I've tried doing it via Local Group Policy editor as described elsewhere on the 'Net and, despite doing everything it mentioned, no changes occurred.

Secondly, how do the "Libraries" and "Favorites" work, code-wise? I ask this because they possess a hierarchical tree structure and both receive user input (in the Favorites, the favorite locations and in the Libraries, the user-created libraries as well as the individual folders added to each and every one of them). This leads to the assumption that it is possible to add new information to them. If they do, I would like to read the documentation on them and thus tailor them to better suit my needs.

Lastly perhaps, I would like to know whether USB HDD folder locations are an accepted option when using these features, as I've recently experimented with keeping non-critical, work-related data (video, audio, image files and documents) to a portable storage unit.

Thanks in advance!