Adobe doesn't (at the moment) support viewing pdf documents as thumbnails in 64 bit systems.
Here's how you can get to see the thumbnails in your 64 bit system.
First a couple of Windows System settings to check.
GoTo Start, R-Click (My)Computer, Properties, then on the left hand side of the opened window Advanced System settings , choose the Advanced Tab, under Performance click the Settings button. Make sure "Show thumbnails instead of icons" is ticked.
Then Open any Explorer Window and on the menu bar select Tools > Folder Options, then select the View Tab, make sure that "always show icons, never thumbnails"is unticked.
You now need to go to pretentious names website and download and install the Fixes for 64-bit Reader thumbnails & previews. (Note that the author states that you may need to re-install Reader so that it recognises the dll files this Application loads into your system).
Finally (phew!!) you need to clear out your Thumbnails caches through Windows Disk Cleanup utility (R-click your System Drive (C:?), select Properties).
Then re-boot.
You should now be able to (at last!) see your pdf files as thumbnail images.*
*This only works if your pdf file actually has the thumbnail properties written into them!!
Here's how you can get to see the thumbnails in your 64 bit system.
First a couple of Windows System settings to check.
GoTo Start, R-Click (My)Computer, Properties, then on the left hand side of the opened window Advanced System settings , choose the Advanced Tab, under Performance click the Settings button. Make sure "Show thumbnails instead of icons" is ticked.
Then Open any Explorer Window and on the menu bar select Tools > Folder Options, then select the View Tab, make sure that "always show icons, never thumbnails"is unticked.
You now need to go to pretentious names website and download and install the Fixes for 64-bit Reader thumbnails & previews. (Note that the author states that you may need to re-install Reader so that it recognises the dll files this Application loads into your system).
Finally (phew!!) you need to clear out your Thumbnails caches through Windows Disk Cleanup utility (R-click your System Drive (C:?), select Properties).
Then re-boot.
You should now be able to (at last!) see your pdf files as thumbnail images.*
*This only works if your pdf file actually has the thumbnail properties written into them!!