Windows 10 W10 Auto update downloads


New Member
This has been raised by others previously, but not been mentioned for a while. All solutions to the W10 Home update auto downloads problem suggest that enabling the Wi-Fi 'metered connection' button will stop this. This is fine if your connection is wi-fi. Most of the IT world considers everybody now to have unlimited, high speed, unmetered internet connections. Do Microsoft [and many others] even consider people who don't. We have a satellite internet connection here in Australia [basically a large but very slow wi-fi connection], limited to 20gb per month, costing $60AU, most of which we need to preserve for my daughter's schooling. Program, update, and game downloads are often corrupted because of varying download speeds and interruptions, causing quota waste. There are probably over 150,000 connections like this here, many with only half that quota, and world wide, millions more, many worse. Yet Microsoft and many developers deem it acceptable to forcibly bombard people with these type connections with material we don't want or need, thus reducing our quota even further. At least with W7 and 8, I had the option to choose.
So, the question is - if I change my home network from Ethernet to wi-fi, so that there is no cable connection to the router, will I then have access to the metered connection button? I am assuming that W10 currently recognises my Ethernet connection, which is why this button is not visible.
Won't hurt to try that, you can always go back to a cable connection.
Thanks for the reply. Spent a lot more time checking on the net generally, but the search terms 'stop W10 Home auto downloads' found nothing initially. However I eventually tracked down a registry fix [things that usually scare me to death], from tenforums, which can set an ethernet connection to "metered". Some users of this complained about problems, but I did it anyway. Now my scanner sends its scans into cyberspace, and I can't fix it by re-installing because "set-up cannot be completed due to a metered connection" GRRRRRR!
Revert the reg fix?????? Maybe.
Reversing the reg fix will only put me back where I was, with Microsoft constantly downloading rubbish, and using maybe 20% of my quota. However, the article had posts from people who had used the fix, but were now having problems with programs that use the internet. I have also
just confirmed that the metered setting does not allow Kaspersky to auto update either, so this setting may affect other programs as well. There seems to be a bit of a vindictive element in all of this. Even with this fix [owned by Microsoft], Microsoft keeps sending me desktop background photos for the login page [even though no login is required], with no option to stop them that I can find. If you don't like what you see, they just say, fine we'll find you something else. I cannot find these pictures in my computer, so I am assuming they are being downloaded after an uploaded instruction from my W10. Be nice of Microsoft to explain all this. Fat chance!
Reverting to W7 is looking good.
That may be your best bet for now, the powers to be at MS obviously did not think about those with either bandwidth issues or download capping.