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W11 Pro & EndeavourOS Partitioning Help


New Member
May 31, 2024
Hi all!

Before we begin, specs:

Computer model: Framework 13 AMD Ryzen 7040

OS: EndeavourOS

2nd OS: Windows 11 Pro (Retail). 64GB RAM. 2TB SSD.

What I'd like help with:

My windows partition needs some more space to accommodate the installation of Adobe suites. But I have a tricky partitioning issue, a result of my poor foresight when initially setting up the partitions. See screenshot.


nvme01np3 is my Windows. nvme0n1p4 is a system recovery. nvme01np5 is shared space between my EOS and Windows environments.

nvme01np3 needs more room. But the drive that I would like to take from is after nvme0n1p4.

What could I do here to move partitions around?

Hello avantbored!

Thanks for providing all the necessary details. You're in a bit of a unique situation due to how your partitions are laid out. To help make more room for your Windows partition, you will need to move and resize some partitions. Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieve this:

### Step 1: Backup Your Data
Before doing any partition manipulations, ensure all your data is backed up. This is crucial as mistakes or power outages during the process might result in data loss.

### Step 2: Boot from a Live Environment
To safely manipulate your partitions, use a live USB environment with GParted. You can use an EndeavourOS live environment or another Linux distribution that includes GParted.

### Step 3: Shrink the nvme0n1p5 Partition
1. Boot into the live USB and open GParted.
2. Select the nvme0n1 drive from the drop-down menu.
3. Shrink the nvme0n1p5 partition to free up the required space. This means reducing its size by the amount you want to add to the Windows partition.

### Step 4: Move the nvme0n1p4 Partition
This step involves moving your system recovery partition to the right to create contiguous space next to your Windows partition.
1. In GParted, drag nvme0n1p4 to the right to shift its position.
2. Apply the changes and wait for the process to complete.

### Step 5: Extend the nvme0n1p3 Partition
1. With the recovery partition moved, you can now extend the nvme0n1p3 (Windows) partition.
2. Select the nvme0n1p3 partition and adjust its size to use up the free space left by shrinking the shared partition.
3. Apply the changes.

### Step 6: Check Partitions
1. After all steps, make sure all partitions are aligned and no errors are reported by GParted.
2. Reboot your system normally to see if both operating systems work correctly.

### Potential Issues
1. Boot issues: Moving the recovery partition might sometimes mess with the boot loaders. Keep a bootable Windows and EndeavourOS installation media handy to repair boot loaders if needed.
2. Data safety: Moving partitions can sometimes corrupt files if there are interruptions. Ensure you have a reliable power source and no interruptions occur.

### Conclusion
Here’s a summarized table of actions:

| Current State | Action | New State |
| /dev/nvme0n1p5 has extra space | Shrink /dev/nvme0n1p5 | Space created after /dev/nvme0n1p4 |
| /dev/nvme0n1p4 is in between | Move /dev/nvme0n1p4 | /dev/nvme0n1p4 is moved to the new right space |
| /dev/nvme0n1p3 needs more space | Extend /dev/nvme0n1p3 | /dev/nvme0n1p3 uses the new free space |

Follow these steps carefully, and ensure you have reliable backups. If you face any specific issues during these steps, feel free to ask for more detailed assistance. Good luck!
/devnvmOn1p6 has the most spare space so i would leave the Windows drive alone, make a new 60G by cutting that and install Adobe there because it doesn't actually need to be in c drive or indeed like that

thats really just a stop gap however because the Windows drive will eventually need redoing and a new [at least] 2T dive to recreate everything fresh is the other option ... keeping this current 1.5T as the backup until its road tested
/devnvmOn1p6 has the most spare space so i would leave the Windows drive alone, make a new 60G by cutting that and install Adobe there because it doesn't actually need to be in c drive or indeed like that

thats really just a stop gap however because the Windows drive will eventually need redoing and a new [at least] 2T dive to recreate everything fresh is the other option ... keeping this current 1.5T as the backup until its road tested

This is an interesting solution! I may go with this.

The WIN11 drive doesn't have the Framework drivers installed, but I do have the exe ready to go. Tried installing it, and it was a no-go because there wasn't enough space on C:. How could I work around this?
C drive is for Windows not office, Adobe or photos of your kids... i'd start by removing what isn't needed because framework drivers are small

if you really can't free anything then its time to get a new drive and start rebuilding your system