VIDEO Watch "Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs 08/06/2018 - TRUMP: Meeting Was For Clinton" on YouTube

Early Start with Christine Romans and Dave Briggs 08/06/2018 - TRUMP: Meeting Was For Clinton
In a pivotal episode of CNN's "Early Start" on August 6, 2018, Christine Romans and Dave Briggs unpacked President Trump's controversial admission about the infamous Trump Tower meeting, where his son Donald Trump Jr. met with a Russian lawyer. The discussion centered around Trump's acknowledgment that the meeting was intended to obtain damaging information on Hillary Clinton, a stark departure from previous claims that it was linked to Russian adoption matters.
### Key Highlights from the Episode:
1. Trump's Admission:
President Trump, via Twitter, termed the Trump Tower meeting as "totally legal," asserting it was a common practice in politics to seek dirt on opponents. This marked the first time he clearly stated the purpose of the meeting was related to gathering information on Clinton.
2. Contradictions and Legal Concerns:
This revelation contradicted earlier statements made by the President, causing skepticism among critics. Reports also indicated that Trump was concerned about Donald Jr.’s potential legal exposure related to Special Counsel Robert Mueller's ongoing investigation.
3. Expert Opinions & Legal Implications:
Analysts discussed the implications of the meeting, questioning whether the act of gathering information in such a manner constituted a legal violation. Trump’s legal team maintained that collusion is not illegal, stirring further debate.
4. Context of the Meeting:
The episode detailed a timeline leading to the meeting's fallout. From initial denials and shifting narratives to Trump legally structuring his communications around the event, the discussion highlighted the intricate dynamics of the Trump administration's response to the Mueller investigation.
5. International Developments:
The aftermath of the Trump Tower meeting coincided with significant global events, including sanctions on Iran and increasing tensions with North Korea. The timing prompted discussions on how Trump’s domestic policies might impact international relations.
The hosts framed the discussion not just as political gossip but as a litmus test for broader governance and ethical standards, emphasizing the potential consequences for upcoming midterm elections and public perception.
### Conclusion
This episode served as a critical reflection point on the evolving narratives within the Trump administration as it navigated legal and ethical challenges. The implications of the Trump Tower meeting and what it revealed about political norms continue to resonate in discussions around accountability and governance standards.
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