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Omarosa: 'I Had A Blind Spot Where It Came To Donald Trump' (Full) | Meet The Press | NBC News
In an intense and revealing interview with Chuck Todd on NBC's Meet the Press, Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former aide to Donald Trump, reflects on her complex relationship with the former president. Known for her role on The Apprentice, Omarosa explains how their connection developed from mutual benefit into tension after her dismissal from the White House.
### Key Points from the Interview:
1. Symbiotic Relationship: Omarosa describes her relationship with Trump as symbiotic, stating, "I gave him ratings and he gave me opportunities as a woman of color." This partnership began on the reality show and evolved into her role as Director of African-American Outreach during the Trump campaign.
2. Turned Against Trump: Following her firing in December 2017, Omarosa's perspective shifted dramatically. She now accuses Trump of being a racist and a bigot, a transformation that she attributes to the disillusionment from her experiences in the White House. "I had a blind spot where it came to Donald Trump," she admits, acknowledging her previous support for him despite his controversial actions.
3. Revelations in Her Book: In her recent book, Unhinged, Omarosa provides insights into her time with Trump, including allegations regarding his use of racial slurs and his mental state. She recounts hearing rumors about Trump using the N-word and confirms they were true after listening to a tape that captured Trump using such language during his time on The Apprentice.
4. Confrontation with John Kelly: The interview also touches on the circumstances surrounding her firing from the White House by Chief of Staff John Kelly. Omarosa reveals she secretly recorded their conversation in the Situation Room, where Kelly allegedly threatened her with damage to her reputation. "If I didn’t have this recording, people would still believe the false narrative that I tried to charge the residence at the White House," she asserts.
5. Complex Dynamics of Loyalty: Omarosa grapples with her loyalty to Trump, stating, "I was complicit with this White House deceiving this nation." She expresses regret over not standing up against the administration's actions sooner. Despite being part of the administration, she emphasizes the need for diverse voices in political discussions.
6. Media Backlash: Addressing critics who question her authenticity following the release of her book, Omarosa insists she has always been an author—this is her third book and she shares her poignant life story and unique perspective gained from her time within the Trump administration.
### Conclusion:
Omarosa’s interview on Meet the Press serves as a significant reflection on her journey—from a staunch supporter of Trump to a vocal critic. It highlights the complexities surrounding race, power, and loyalty in the high stakes world of American politics. As she navigates her narrative, she challenges viewers to reconsider the implications of having diverse voices—or the lack thereof—at decision-making tables.
What are your thoughts on Omarosa's revelations? Do you think her experiences reflect a broader issue within political circles regarding representation and accountability? Let's discuss!
