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Public Evidence Suggests Robert Mueller Able To Bring Conspiracy Charge | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC In a recent enlightening segment from Rachel Maddow’s show on MSNBC, experts Chuck Rosenberg and Jeremy Bash provided critical insights into the legal implications of conspiracy in the context of ongoing investigations surrounding President Trump and his campaign. The discussion centers on the connections between former campaign chairman Paul Manafort and Russian oligarchs, shedding light on potential conspiracy charges against high-profile individuals.

Key Highlights:​

  1. Rising Concerns Over Russia: The trial of Paul Manafort is unfolding without explicit references to Russia, yet the shadow of his deep financial ties to Russian oligarchs looms over court proceedings. Manafort's substantial debts and subsequent offers of private briefings to a Putin-connected oligarch raise serious questions of collusion.
  2. Mueller’s Investigation Focus: Rosenberg, a former U.S. attorney, highlights that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is investigating whether Manafort and others colluded with Russian officials to influence the election. The implication is that if there is credible evidence, charges could potentially extend to conspiracy at the highest levels of the campaign.
  3. Legal Definitions: The segment clarifies that while the term "collusion" is often used in public discourse, it is not a legal term. Instead, legal experts focus on conspiracy, which is well-defined in U.S. law. A conspiracy exists when two or more individuals agree to commit an illegal act, regardless of whether that act is successful.
  4. Impact of Testimonies: Recent allegations from Michael Cohen, Trump’s former lawyer, asserting that Trump was aware of the controversial Trump Tower meeting beforehand, might expose the President to charges not only of conspiracy but also obstruction of justice, emphasizing the interconnectedness of these investigations.
  5. Evidence Building: The conversation suggests that Mueller's team is methodically compiling evidence that could lead to charges. The presence of Donald Trump in potential illicit dealings with Russia could mean that mere knowledge of such activities might constitute liability under conspiracy laws.
  6. Shifting Narratives: The insistence from the President's team that “there was no collusion” and the legal interpretations surrounding this claim are discussed, revealing a strategy that might undermine the seriousness of conspiracy allegations.


    As the investigations progress, the dialogues emerging from such discussions frame a context where the lines between legal accountability and political maneuvering become increasingly blurred. The implications of these legal definitions reach far beyond individual actions, calling into question the integrity of the electoral process itself. This thoughtful analysis reflects on the gravity of current political affairs and reminds us how crucial it is for the public to stay informed about these critical developments. What are your thoughts on the potential legal ramifications for those associated with the Trump campaign? Have you followed the ongoing discussions by legal experts, and how do you perceive their insights compared to mainstream media narratives? Feel free to share your opinions below!