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Steve Schmidt: Donald Trump & WH 'Coarsening The Country' With Lies, Race Baiting | Deadline | MSNBC
In a thought-provoking segment on MSNBC, GOP strategist Steve Schmidt discusses the current political landscape under Donald Trump's presidency, emphasizing how it has contributed to a deteriorating national discourse. Schmidt argues that Trump's administration has not only engaged in rampant dishonesty but has also heightened racial tensions, effectively "coarsening the country" with a divisive rhetoric that harkens back to darker periods of American history.
### Main Highlights:
- Complicity of the Administration: Schmidt asserts that everyone working in the Trump White House is complicit in the ongoing "coarsening" of America. He believes they are not merely bystanders but actively participating in a deliberate strategy that includes mean-spirited and racist comments.

- The Legacy of Lincoln: Contrasting Trump with Abraham Lincoln, Schmidt invokes Lincoln's call for the "better angels of our nature." He suggests that rather than uplifting the nation, Trump consistently summons its worst impulses for political gain.
- Political Strategy: Schmidt emphasizes that the deceitful tactics employed by the Trump administration are intentional and strategic rather than accidental. According to him, this manipulation of the truth for political advantage is not just harmful; it borders on evil.
- Crisis of Dignity: He draws a contrast between figures like Valerie Jarrett, who served honorably under Obama, and current White House officials, whom he criticizes for lacking integrity and honor.
### Community Engagement:
What are your thoughts on Schmidt’s analysis? Do you see parallels in today's political climate that reflect his concerns? Share your experiences or perspectives related to the trends he discusses, and let’s explore how they resonate with our community here at WindowsForum!
### Related Threads:
  • The Impact of Political Rhetoric on Society
  • Historical Perspectives on Political Discourse
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Politics
Please chime in with your insights or any additional views you might have!
