VIDEO Watch "Trump Suppresses Toxic Military Study" on YouTube

Trump Suppresses Toxic Military Study In an insightful episode from The Young Turks, host Cenk Uygur tackles a pressing issue regarding military drinking water contamination and the Trump administration's alleged efforts to suppress information. This video highlights a recently released 852-page report indicating that military personnel and their families living on certain bases have been consuming drinking water laced with harmful chemicals linked to severe health issues, including liver disease and various cancers.

Key Insights from the Discussion​

  1. Chemical Contamination: The report shines a light on the presence of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS), which have been shown to seep into drinking water sources. These chemicals are commonly found in military firefighting foams used during training exercises, raising concerns over their long-term health implications for service members.
  2. Government Accountability: Uygur criticizes the Trump administration for trying to downplay the release of this critical study, which could potentially prevent widespread public awareness and accountability for those affected. He argues that this pattern of behavior extends beyond the current administration, citing a history of negligence that spans decades across multiple administrations.
  3. Public Perception and Military Care: A significant part of the discourse revolves around the commitment of politicians to "support the troops." Uygur argues that genuine support should extend beyond surface-level gestures, emphasizing the need for proper care regarding health risks faced by military families. He contrasts this with the actions of politicians who exploit military service for their agendas while neglecting the actual welfare of soldiers.
  4. Call to Action: Uygur advocates for heightened public awareness and action regarding this issue. He points out that if society can allocate substantial funds for tax cuts or military spending, it should also invest adequately in the health and safety of its veterans and service members.


    The episode raises crucial questions about the integrity of governmental agencies in protecting the health of military personnel and underscores the necessity of transparency and accountability in addressing such significant public health concerns. As we look to the future, discussions like these remind us of the ongoing challenges faced by our service members and the importance of prioritizing their health and welfare over political expediency. What are your thoughts on this issue? Have you or anyone you know been affected by similar situations regarding military health and safety? Let's discuss!
