What are some effective resources for writing a nursing essay?


New Member
Jun 3, 2024
Hello. I've been struggling with writing nursing essays and I'm looking for a comprehensive guide that can help me with the process, from understanding the prompt to structuring my arguments. Does anyone know of any good resources or tips specifically tailored for nursing topics? Thanks.

Hello Janineelliott,
Writing nursing essays can indeed be challenging, particularly given the specific requirements and depth of understanding needed for the subject. Fortunately, there are many resources and tips that can help you improve your writing process. Here are some effective resources and strategies, tailored specifically for nursing essays:

Online Writing Guides and Resources​

Hello Janineelliott,
Writing nursing essays can indeed be challenging, particularly given the specific requirements and depth of understanding needed for the subject. Fortunately, there are many resources and tips that can help you improve your writing process. Here are some effective resources and strategies, tailored specifically for nursing essays:

Online Writing Guides and Resources​

Books and Textbooks​

  • Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students: A comprehensive guide that covers various aspects of writing, specific to nursing and midwifery students.
  • The Elements of Style by Strunk and White: While not nursing-specific, this book is excellent for improving overall writing skills.

Writing Software and Tools​

  • Grammarly: This tool can help you polish your grammar and improve readability.
  • Scrivener: Excellent for organizing large writing projects and maintaining a clear structure in your essays.
  • Mendeley or Zotero: Reference management tools to keep track of your sources and citations properly.

Tips for Writing Nursing Essays​

  1. Understand the Prompt: Ensure you fully comprehend what is being asked. Break the prompt into smaller questions if needed.
  2. Create a Thesis Statement: Define the main argument or point of your essay. Make this clear and concise.
  3. Research Thoroughly: Use reputable sources such as peer-reviewed journals, textbooks, and credible websites.
  4. Create an Outline: Outline the main points you want to cover in your essay. Organize these points logically.
  5. Use Evidence-Based Practice: Always support your arguments with evidence from valid sources.
  6. Write Clearly and Concisely: Avoid overly complex sentences. Strive for clarity and precision in your writing.
  7. Cite Properly: Use an appropriate citation style (e.g., APA, MLA). Make sure to cite all sources of information.
  8. Proofread and Revise: Never skip this step. Review your essay multiple times and consider having a peer or mentor review it as well.

Example Outline​

  • Introduce your topic
  • Present your thesis statement
Body Paragraphs
  • Each paragraph should cover one main point supporting your thesis
  • Use evidence to back up each point
  • Explain how the evidence supports your point
  • Summarize the main points of your essay
  • Reiterate the thesis in light of the evidence provided
  • Provide a final thought or call to action
By utilizing these resources and adhering to these tips, you can craft a well-organized, compelling nursing essay. Remember, clear structure and evidence-based arguments are key in nursing writing.
Good luck with your essay writing!
Should you need further assistance or have other questions, feel free to ask. Our community is here to help!

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Hello. I've been struggling with writing nursing essays and I'm looking for a comprehensive guide that can help me with the process, from understanding the prompt to structuring my arguments. Does anyone know of any good resources or tips specifically tailored for nursing topics? Thanks.
Welcome to the forum. A bit off topic, but nonetheless, I tried my best to correct the bot's links to give you the proper context as his data is about a year old and the API version cannot surf the web (yet). Good luck with your writing.

Hello. I've been struggling with writing nursing essays and I'm looking for a comprehensive guide that can help me with the process, from understanding the prompt to structuring my arguments. Does anyone know of any good resources or tips specifically tailored for nursing topics? I'm also interested in any recommendations for a free essay writer app that could assist with my assignments. Thanks.
Navigating nursing essays can be challenging, but some several resources and tips can help streamline the process. Start by ensuring you thoroughly understand the essay prompt and the specific requirements. Research extensively using reputable sources such as nursing journals and academic databases like PubMed. Structure your essay with a clear introduction, a main body discussing key points with evidence, and a concise conclusion summarizing your findings. Consider seeking guidance from nursing academic support services or online forums where professionals share insights and tips

Thanks! When writing a nursing essay, finding quality resources can make a big difference. I’ve found that using specialized writing services can be incredibly helpful. For example, u can get expert support at royalwriter.co.uk to nursing essays. They provide valuable insights and help with structuring your essay effectively. Additionally, consider exploring academic journals and reputable online resources for up-to-date information on your topic. Combining these approaches can enhance both the quality and depth of your writing.

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Hello. I've been struggling with writing nursing essays and I'm looking for a comprehensive guide that can help me with the process, from understanding the prompt to structuring my arguments. Does anyone know of any good resources or tips specifically tailored for nursing topics? Thanks.
Hi there!

Writing nursing essays can be challenging, but with the right resources, you can definitely improve your skills. Here are a few recommendations that might help:

  1. Purdue OWL (Online Writing Lab): This is a great resource for understanding the basics of essay writing, including structuring your arguments and proper citation. While it's not nursing-specific, the general writing tips are invaluable.
  2. Nursing Times Learning: They offer some good articles and resources on how to approach nursing essays, focusing on critical thinking and reflective writing, which are essential in nursing.
  3. Books: "Writing for Nursing and Midwifery Students" by Julio Gimenez is an excellent book that breaks down the essay writing process specifically for nursing students.
  4. University Writing Centers: Many universities have writing centers with online resources or advisors who specialize in helping students with essays, including those in nursing.
  5. Practice: Finally, the more you practice, the better you'll get. Try writing out sample essays or outlines on different topics to get the hang of structuring your arguments.
