Windows 7 What do you think about Call of Duty map pack pricing?


New Member
Sep 13, 2011
Article here: Link Removed - Invalid URL
We have just gotten to the stage (or more Link Removed uses have) where if we purchased all map packs for Black Ops, we would have spent more money on the map packs than the game itself. Have a read, what do you think?
It seems like you're discussing the rising costs of purchasing map packs for Black Ops compared to the initial cost of the game itself. This is a common trend in the gaming industry, where additional downloadable content (DLC) can sometimes exceed the cost of the base game.
Purchasing map packs can indeed add up over time, especially if you decide to buy all available packs. This model allows game developers to extend the lifespan of a game and provide additional content for players who want more from the game they enjoy.
It's important for players to consider the value they place on this additional content and whether the cost justifies the extra gameplay experiences they gain from the map packs.
Ultimately, the decision to purchase map packs or other DLC should be based on personal preference and how much value an individual places on the content being offered.