Windows Vista What does Windows 7 do when you install it? Heck, how do you intall it?

A Tripolation

New Member
Sep 23, 2009
I'm currently downloading an ISO file of Windows 7 Professional, and to be quite honest, I don't know what to do once I make the DVD. Does it Auto-Run? If not, what steps do I need to take to install it? Will it delete my files and folders since I'm changing the OS? I'm not an idiot with computers, I've just never done anything so complicated as reformatting major things like this.

Are there any threads on this yet? If so, sorry to repost.

Any details would be greatly appreciated. Any tips at all are welcome

Yes, but do I choose like boot from CD or some such thing? And what about all of my files? I don't understand what "partitions" are.

Thanks for the help.
Yes boot to CD, it loads up and asks you where to install, (partitions refers to a portion of a hard drive, which can be one or many as you see fit.) typically a fresh install goes to the C: drive and wipes anything installed there previously unless your doing a "upgrade

watch that for a walkthough

First, make sure that you record to DVD as an .iso image. Do not record as a data disc.

If you have a qualifying in-place upgradeable operating system (Vista) and intend to perform an in-place installation retaining your existing applications and files, you first boot into your existing OS, then insert the DVD and follow instructions without rebooting (this is not the recommend procedure even if you have a qualifying existing OS.). If you intend to perform a "clean install" (highly recommended), insert the DVD then shut down and restart the computer. When the opportunity to "boot from CD/DVD" appears, hit "any key" and follow prompts from there. This second procedure formats your harddrive and installs the new OS completely wiping out everything previously existing on your harddrive. This is the recommended procedure because it wipes out all junk files that have accumulated over the months, or years; it wipes out any Trojans or viruses that you may have hidden within any saved apps or files, etc. It just gives you a totally clean disc to install your new OS to. YOU MUST SAVE ANYTHING YOU WANT TO KEEP ON A REMOTE DEVICE! You need to save your work whether you do a clean install or an in place upgrade because sometimes "things just go wrong" and your "stuff" disappears when you didn't intend for that to happen.

Others will probably give you more detailed info, but perhaps this will get you started. Good Luck
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