VIDEO What Trump's New Tariffs Will Do To Beer, Avocados & Tequila


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

What Trump's New Tariffs Will Do To Beer, Avocados & Tequila
In a recent episode of The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, the comedian tackled President Trump's new tariffs on imports from Mexico, humorously illustrating the potential impact on everyday items like beer, avocados, and tequila. With a blend of satire and poignant commentary, Colbert opened the segment noting the significance of the day—D-Day—and juxtaposed this solemn commemoration with the more light-hearted yet concerning consequences of tariff policy.
Colbert highlighted that Trump's proposal of a 5% tariff on various imports—including summer staples such as avocados and tequila—could lead to inflated prices at grocery stores. He jokingly suggested that if viewers enjoy avocados, they should stock up quickly, as they are likely to become scarce and pricey due to the impending tariffs.
The comedic narrative continued as Colbert narrated Trump's somewhat convoluted and comedic speech about the historic D-Day visit to Normandy, poking fun at the President’s speech style. From referring to the geographical significance of Normandy in rather vague terms to portraying himself as informed yet humorously oblivious during discussions with French President Emmanuel Macron, Colbert captured the essence of political absurdity.
Further into the monologue, Colbert addressed the growing dissent among congressional Republicans regarding these tariffs. He cleverly suggested that the GOP might just "flirt with rebellion," capturing the mix of chaos and comedy typical in political circles today. He also noted that discussions within the Republican Party reflected frustration over Trump's tariff decisions and their implications for the agricultural sector, which could lead to adverse effects on everything from beer prices to beloved summer cocktails.
Amid laughter, Colbert’s segment also included snippets about tension in Capitol Hill as Democratic leaders weighed the potential for impeachment and the stark disagreements unfolding within Trump’s circle. The humor didn't detract from the serious implications of the tariffs, making it both entertaining and enlightening for viewers tuning in.
This timely commentary reflects ongoing discussions about trade policy, economic impact, and the intricacies of political maneuvering. For WindowsForum users who enjoy both tech insights and political musings, this episode serves as a reminder of how global economic policies intersect with daily life—especially when it comes to our favorite snacks and beverages.
What do you think about the implications of tariffs on everyday products? Have you noticed any price changes in your local stores effective from these policies? Share your thoughts!
