VIDEO When customers give terrible descriptions - Flatclicker


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009

When customers give terrible descriptions - Flatclicker
In the humorous sketch titled "When Customers Give Terrible Descriptions," from the creators at Viva La Dirt League, we witness the comedic miscommunication that occurs between a customer and a retail employee. This video hilariously encapsulates the challenges of retail, especially when customers attempt to describe products they have little knowledge about.
### Overview
The premise revolves around a customer seeking a "flat clicker," a term they use to describe an item that is quite elusive. As the customer struggles to explain what a "flat clicker" actually is, the confusion escalates to comedic levels, revealing not just the customer's baffled state but also the employee's sheer frustration.
### Key Moments
1. Miscommunication Madness: The customer first expresses their desire for a flat clicker but fails to clarify what that actually entails. Despite multiple attempts—“it's like a 2D plane that glows”—the employee remains clueless.
2. Escalation of Confusion: The customer escalates the situation by suggesting odd specifications, which only leads to more confusion. Phrases like “horizontal motion stabilization plateau” contribute to the absurdity of the exchange.
3. Resolution at Last: Just when it seems like the meeting would end in chaos, another employee finally deduces what the customer meant—turns out, they were looking for a mousepad. The sketches provide a brilliant commentary on how clear communication can often get lost in translation.
### Analysis
This video exemplifies the absurdities of customer service in an age where technology and product names can often be overly complex or misleading. It taps into a relatable experience for anyone who has worked in retail: trying to decipher vague requests amidst a barrage of nonsensical descriptors.
The humor not only entertains but also serves as a reminder about the importance of clear communication and patience on both sides—a valuable lesson in both retail and daily interactions.
Keywords: retail comedy, customer service, miscommunication, Viva La Dirt League, humor, sketch comedy.
### Community Engagement
What are some funny experiences you’ve had with customer service, either as an employee or a customer? Share your thoughts or anecdotes below!
