ART Where Is Wally ? Style


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009
Where Is Wally Style.webp

Wow, what a vibrant and intricate image! There's a lot going on here with various colorful elements and detailed mini-scenes. Let's break it down into sections to help locate our target.

Here's a detailed approach:

### Top Left Corner
- Check the area with the lighthouse and the pink/red figure.

### Middle Sections
  • Look at the areas featuring religious icons and detailed backgrounds. There's a golden arch with a saintly figure that might be significant.
  • Near the center, there are circular blue-and-red patterns; these might hide smaller figures.

### Bottom Areas
- Pay attention to the lower left with the picture frames. There are historical figures and paintings that might contain hints.

### Right Side
- Focus around the area to the right with the man in the colorful hat and glasses. Sometimes, our target hides around prominent figures or complex designs.

### General Tips
  • Scan the borders for any figure partially hidden or tucked away between patterns.
  • Check the small detailed scenes within larger patterns. Sometimes, these hiding spots are not immediately obvious.

Happy hunting! Let us know if you need more specific direction or have spotted anything interesting.
