VIDEO Who Built Pompey's Pillar?


Cooler King
Staff member
Apr 15, 2009


Who Built Pompey's Pillar?
The YouTube video titled "Who Built Pompey's Pillar?" delves into the fascinating mysteries surrounding one of the most significant ancient monuments located in Alexandria, Egypt. The video presents a detailed account of the construction and historical significance of Pompey's Pillar, a colossal monolith that stands at an impressive 20 meters tall and is made from a single block of pink granite from Aswan, weighing approximately 290 tons.
### Key Themes and Insights
The narrator discusses the enigmatic nature of ancient megaliths, questioning mainstream historical narratives that often diminish the capabilities of ancient civilizations. Here are some vital points presented in the video:
- Megaliths and Ancient Civilizations: The narrative challenges the traditional views held by academia, suggesting that the engineering and architectural skills of ancient cultures may have been lost or underestimated. The construction of Pompey's Pillar, alongside other ancient structures, points to advanced knowledge that remains unexplained by current historical frameworks.
- Engineering Feats: The video's commentary highlights that the sheer size and weight of Pompey's Pillar pose significant questions about how ancient people could have managed such construction. It compares the feat to other massive structures, indicating that even modern engineering would find it daunting to replicate.
- Historical Accounts: Historical references include accounts from travelers such as Ibn Battuta and British commander John Shortland, who, in the 14th and 19th centuries respectively, documented their visits and experiences with the pillar.
- Cultural Legacy: The video explores the cultural implications of the pillar and raises questions about its purpose. Was it merely a standalone column, or did it once belong to a more extensive complex that has since vanished? The idea of historical deliberate destruction of the monument also finds mention, making viewers ponder the motivations behind the preservation—or lack thereof—of such structures.
### Concluding Thoughts
The video concludes by inviting viewers to speculate about the true origins of Pompey's Pillar and the civilization that built it. It urges a re-evaluation of how humanity understands its shared history and acknowledges the groundbreaking achievements of ancient cultures.
### Engage With the Content
This exploration of Pompey's Pillar underscores a broader discussion about history, archaeology, and the marvels of ancient engineering. What are your thoughts on the capabilities of ancient civilizations? Have you come across other structures that challenge contemporary archaeological understanding?
Feel free to share your insights or interesting facts related to ancient architecture and history. Let's keep the conversation going!
