
New Member
Jan 2, 2008
hellow all this is my first thread

i have windows xp on c: drive and vista on D: drive
for some reasons i have to reformat patetion c: and reinstall win xp
after that windows vista disappear from the boot ini so i cant choose vista
and when i add a script to boot ini i began to see vista on the start up
but when i choose vista it does not work and the notebook hangs

Help me please

thanks to all :confused::confused::confused:

You probibly have this solved already - but just in case or if anyone else has the same problem

I had the exact same problem...

the deal is in a dual boot set up - once vista is loaded you can not install xp because the boot.ini file is in a differant format

but the problem is easily solved - install xp on the other hard drive and then download a program called Vistabootpro it will correct the problem.

