Windows 7 Win7 32-bit or 64-bit? Need help choosing!


New Member
Oct 11, 2009
I am currently running Vista 32-bit on my laptop. I pretty much know what the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit is, but I don't understand the technical aspect as well. I followed Microsoft's lead to find out whether my computer is 64-bit capable or not, but upon following the instructions, some of the menus from my computer were missing, so I was not able to deduce whether or not I would be able to run 64-bit. Here are my specs:

Dell XPS M1530
Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo T9300 @ 2.5 GHz
4.00 GB RAM
256 MB Video Card

If I can indeed run 64-bit, would you guys recommend me to? From what I heard, 64-bit is designed to handle larger RAM more effectively. My question is, is 4.00 GB considered "larger"?

Thanks for the help!

personally, i would go with the 64-bit version on windows. Although it may say you have 4 gigs of RAM only 3.25 gigs are usable, upgrading to a 64-bit will allow you to use the entire 4 gigs of ram. your computer can use a 64-bit. mostly all intel processors support 64-bit now.
The only drawback to a 64-bit is the device and driver compatibility.
personally, i would go with the 64-bit version on windows. Although it may say you have 4 gigs of RAM only 3.25 gigs are usable, upgrading to a 64-bit will allow you to use the entire 4 gigs of ram. your computer can use a 64-bit. mostly all intel processors support 64-bit now.
The only drawback to a 64-bit is the device and driver compatibility.
