Windows 11 24H2 Update: Users Struggle with 8.63 GB of Undeletable Files

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With the October 2024 rollout of Windows 11's latest feature update, 24H2, users are discovering an unwelcome surprise: a staggering 8.63 GB of undeletable data, disguised as "Windows Update Cleanup," is hogging valuable storage space on their devices. As users have been attempting to reclaim this space, many have echoed a collective sigh of frustration, as it appears that no matter how persistently they engage the cleanup tools, these phantom files simply refuse to budge.

What's Going On?​

After the recent update's rollout on October 15, 2024, users began reporting persistent storage issues, with Microsoft's own Feedback Hub revealing a growing chorus of frustrated voices. The situation has not been officially recognized on Microsoft's known issues list, raising eyebrows over the tech giant’s commitment to addressing consumer complaints.
Historically, remnants from Windows updates—such as previous versions of installed updates—have been a quirk of the operating system. Typically, Windows is designed to retain copies of these updates to facilitate reinstatement if needed, but the cleanup process is supposed to allow users to recapture the disk space occupied by these old versions. Unfortunately, the current version's cleanup functionality seems to be out of order.

The Windows Cleanup Dilemma​

It's not unusual for operating system updates to leave behind debris. However, the expectation is that users can utilize either the revamped Windows Settings application or the classic Disk Cleanup tool to clear away these lingering files. Yet, reports indicate that these cleanup efforts have not been successful for many users, leading to bewilderment and irritation.
What compounds the problem is that users are being led to believe they can delete these files—Windows lists them as old updates—only to find out that the cleanup tools are unable to carry out that task. The situation leads to an infuriating cycle where users feel misled, believing they can reclaim their storage, only to be thwarted.

What is the Reason Behind It?​

In a more technical light, this issue seems to stem from Microsoft's implementation of checkpoint cumulative updates—a feature planned for both Windows 11 24H2 and Windows Server 2025, aimed at reducing the size of updates. Essentially, a checkpoint serves as a reference point from which updates are applied. While this methodology may enhance efficiency and delivery, it seems to trap considerable amounts of data, leading to the current storage dilemma.
Attempts to conduct manual file deletions could lead to potential complications with subsequent updates, creating a tug-of-war between system performance and user agency over their own filesystem. The overarching question here is how Microsoft plans to address this growing concern. The need for storage space is unlikely to dissipate, and without a clearer communication strategy on how Windows reports disk usage, users are likely to be left scratching their heads.

What Can Users Do?​

For affected users, the most immediate recommendation would be to continue utilizing existing disk cleanup tools, although their efficacy remains in question. As a temporary measure, consider the following tips:
  1. Perform Disk Cleanup: Use both Disk Cleanup and Windows Settings applications to attempt to clear temporary files. While this may not yield results currently, it helps keep your system orderly.
  2. Manual Intervention: If you decide to go down the manual path, approach it with caution. Know what you are deleting, as removing essential system files can lead to more significant issues down the line.
  3. Keep Feedback Flowing: Utilize the Feedback Hub to report your experiences and frustrations to Microsoft. Sharing your voice increases the likelihood that issues will be prioritized.
  4. Stay Updated: Regularly check for updates, as Microsoft may address these cleanup issues in upcoming patches.

Final Thoughts​

As Windows 11 continues to evolve, users are confronted with the duality of enhanced features and unresolved issues. While Microsoft's ambitions for its latest operating system are commendable, the execution can sometimes lead to scenarios that frustrate even the most patient among us.
So, to all the Windows aficionados out there: keep your digital dustpan ready and brace yourselves for an ongoing dance with your computer's housekeeping processes. For now, you might just have to live with the accumulation of digital debris—8.63 GB and counting—until a solution is rolled out.
Stay tuned for more updates and don't forget to share your experiences! It's time for us to rally together and ensure our voices are heard in the vast world of Windows technology.
Source: The Register Windows 11 24H2 hoards 8.63 GB of junk you can't delete