Windows 11 Windows 11 and Dual Monitors


New Member
Apr 5, 2022

Does Windows 11 offer independent desktops on two separate monitors? If not, will tis be coming soon? Is there a way to achieve this?

Then it will do that no problem, that is what I do on mine when writing, I use word on my main screen, and research tools such as google earth and a browser on another. I often have multiple programs open on both screens, and when editing my books I often have multiple copies of word open across both sets of screens. All you need to do this is a cable to a second monitor and to check you have set the right choice on the Display Settings screen.
You can set displays the same as in previous versions of windows. Extending across or using separately. I run 4 screens, 3 are merged as one wide monitor and a 40” TV above that is independent

You can set displays the same as in previous versions of windows. Extending across or using separately. I run 4 screens, 3 are merged as one wide monitor and a 40” TV above that is independent
Thanks, Boomerang. My understanding is that it has previously been impossible to have independent desktops on separate monitors. I see that you have an independent TV screen. Is it possible to achieve the same with two monitors? How is this done, please?

Thanks, Boomerang. My understanding is that it has previously been impossible to have independent desktops on separate monitors. I see that you have an independent TV screen. Is it possible to achieve the same with two monitors? How is this done, please?
I connected my 3 wide-screen monitors using the display ports on my nvidia card (using HDMI adapters), and the TV via the regular HDMI connector. I have run multiple monitors for years, vista/win8/win10/win11.I am also an author so needed more screens, one for writing on, and another for researching. Now I run simulation programs (ETS2/ATS/Fernbus/Tourist bus/GTA5 etc) on my three linked screens (5760 x 1080) and run my communication programs such as skype/twitch and required controller programs such as Logitech G-hub/Sim-dashboard/Track-IR/Steam etc on the higher tv screen.
Connecting just one extra screen can be done easily using the blue port / white port and a cable to a tv or second monitor, the computer will find it, just right click on desktop and open 'Display Settings'. Then you can select to extend the display or use as a separate screen.

You can also setup multiple desktops that you can switch between, but I think you are meaning to use in a similar way to myself.


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Thanks, everyone.

I have two monitors set up and working. My issue is that the monitors show the same Desktop, albeit spread across both screens. My objective is to have a separate desktop on each monitor that work independently of each other. This doesn't seem possible in Windows 10. Is it possible in Windows 11?

My top screen is independant, The nvidia control panel configure surround Physx option set up the lower 3 to act as one screen, if I maximise a program it spreads across the 3 screens, but not across the top one. Although I can drag things from the lower screen up to the top. It sounds to me as if you are more trying to create multiple desktops, as shown in this video. multiple desktops on windows 11 - Bing video

Thank you again, Boomerang. The video is very interesting.

I would like to use my monitors independently. So, I might have Word open on monitor 1 and Excel open on monitor 2, both on their own desktops. I would then like to be able to change monitor 1 to Powerpoint on its own desktop, whilst retaining monitor 2 displaying Excel. Is this arrangement possible in Windows 10 or 11?

Then it will do that no problem, that is what I do on mine when writing, I use word on my main screen, and research tools such as google earth and a browser on another. I often have multiple programs open on both screens, and when editing my books I often have multiple copies of word open across both sets of screens. All you need to do this is a cable to a second monitor and to check you have set the right choice on the Display Settings screen.
